首页> 外文期刊>North American Journal of Fisheries Management >A Simulation-Based Evaluation of In-Season Management Tactics for Anadromous Fisheries: Accounting for Risk in the Yukon River Fall Chum Salmon Fishery

A Simulation-Based Evaluation of In-Season Management Tactics for Anadromous Fisheries: Accounting for Risk in the Yukon River Fall Chum Salmon Fishery


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Salmon fisheries are managed under uncertainties in abundance, population dynamics, and fishery implementation. These uncertainties create risk, which can be accounted for using probabilistic harvest control rules. Probabilistic control rules ensure management actions are consistent with the level of acceptable risk. Within a fishing season, managers seek to meet escapement objectives by using preseason forecasts and in-season data to set fishery openings and catch targets. We used a stochastic simulation model of the Yukon River fall Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta fishery to evaluate the effects on fishery performance of (1) the degree of in-season risk tolerance and (2) two methods for estimating daily abundance projections. We defined risk in terms of the probability of failing to meet escapement objectives, which is consistent with the emphasis on meeting escapement objectives in Alaska's Sustainable Salmon Fisheries Policy. The analysis revealed expected trade-offs between harvest and escapement objectives. However, risk tolerance did not strongly influence fishery performance mainly because outcomes were highly uncertain due to process errors. Average subsistence harvest decreased from 97,000 to 88,000 Chum Salmon and the probability of failing to meet escapement goals in four of the five most recent years decreased from 0.04 to 0.01 when a risk-averse approach was implemented. However, when preseason forecasts were relatively low and close to thresholds where no fishing would be allowed, then a risk-averse approach increased the probability of meeting escapement objectives. A Bayesian approach to estimating the projected run abundance performed similarly to a simpler approach that relied entirely on the preseason forecast until the average first quarter point of the run. Our results suggest that assessment approaches and the degree of in-season risk tolerance are likely less important in determining fishery performance for Yukon River Fall Chum Salmon than are the escapement goals used to manage the fishery.
机译:鲑鱼渔业在数量,人口动态和渔业实施方面存在不确定性。这些不确定性会产生风险,可以使用概率性收获控制规则来解释这些风险。概率控制规则可确保管理措施与可接受风险水平相一致。在捕捞季节内,管理人员通过使用季前预报和季节内数据来设置捕捞口径和捕捞目标,以达到逃逸目标。我们使用育空河秋季密苏里鲑Oncorhynchus keta渔业的随机模拟模型来评估(1)季节内风险承受度和(2)两种估计每日丰度预测的方法对渔业绩效的影响。我们根据未能实现逃逸目标的可能性来定义风险,这与阿拉斯加《可持续鲑鱼捕捞政策》中强调实现逃生目标的要求是一致的。分析揭示了收获和逃逸目标之间的预期权衡。但是,风险承受能力并没有强烈影响渔业绩效,主要是因为由于工艺错误导致结果高度不确定。实施风险规避方法后,最近五年的四年中,平均生活水平从97,000减至88,000鲑鱼,未能达到逃生目标的概率从0.04降至0.01。但是,当季前预报相对较低并且接近不允许钓鱼的阈值时,那么规避风险的方法会增加实现逃逸目标的可能性。用贝叶斯方法估算预计的奔跑数量与执行简单的方法类似,后者完全依赖于季前预测,直到奔跑的平均第一个四分之一点。我们的结果表明,评估方法和季节内风险承受力的程度对确定育空河秋千鲑的渔业表现的重要性可能不如用于管理渔业的擒纵目标重要。



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