首页> 外文期刊>North American Journal of Fisheries Management >Large Woody Debris Structures and Their Influence on Atlantic Salmon Spawning in a Stream in Nova Scotia, Canada

Large Woody Debris Structures and Their Influence on Atlantic Salmon Spawning in a Stream in Nova Scotia, Canada


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Although large woody debris from streamside vegetation has profound influences on channel morphology and habitat for salmonid fishes, it has often been depleted by channelization or deforestation of the riparian zone. We installed artificial structures mimicking naturally fallen trees in a third-order stream in northern Nova Scotia from 1992 to 2004 to determine whether the structures enhanced spawning success of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. In total, 250 digger logs (which mimic fallen tree trunks and stimulate formation of pools) and bank deflectors (which encourage meandering) were constructed in degraded reaches of Brierly Brook beginning at the downstream end. We monitored spawning each year by counting redds during the fall spawning season. Spawning rates (redd counts) in the whole brook increased exponentially for the first 4 years after restoration work began, from 43 in 1992 to 592 in 1996. By 1996, the entire length of Brierly Brook contained redds, and Atlantic salmon were using gravel that accumulated behind digger logs to build redds. Thereafter, redd counts remained high (502-605) but no longer increased, suggesting that restoration near the mouth of the brook removed an impediment to upstream migration. In 2004, reaches with artificial structures had significantly more redds (336) than reaches without the structures (280). In reaches with artificial structures, 48% of the redds were associated with gravel pool tails or the heads of riffles, 44% were near artificial structures, and 7% were near natural large woody debris. In reaches without artificial structures, almost 89% of the redds were associated with pool tails and the remainder were associated with natural large woody debris. Large woody debris, whether natural or artificial, appears to be an important source of spawning habitat for Atlantic salmon. Artificial structures mimicking naturally fallen wood are effective in the restoration of spawning habitat.
机译:尽管来自河边植被的大量木屑对鲑鱼的河道形态和生境有深远的影响,但河岸区的河道化或森林砍伐经常使之枯竭。从1992年到2004年,我们在新斯科舍省北部的三次流中安装了模仿自然倒下的树木的人造结构,以确定该结构是否增强了大西洋鲑Salmo salar的产卵成功。从下游端开始,在Brierly Brook的退化河段总共建造了250座挖掘原木(模仿倒下的树干并刺激水池的形成)和堤坝导流板(鼓励蜿蜒曲折)。我们通过计算秋季产卵季节的红色来监控产卵的每年。修复工作开始后的头四年,整个小溪的产卵率(成倍数)从1992年的43上升到1996年的592。到1996年,整个Brierly Brook含有小红藻,而大西洋鲑鱼则使用砾石积累在挖掘者日志后面以构建redds。此后,雷德数仍然很高(502-605),但不再增加,这表明溪口附近的恢复消除了上游迁移的障碍。在2004年,具有人工结构的河段的冲积量(336)比没有结构的河段(280)明显多。在具有人工结构的河段中,有48%的泥石流与砾石池的尾巴或浅滩头有关,有44%的岩屑是在人造结构附近,有7%的岩浆是在天然大木屑附近。在没有人工结构的河段中,将近89%的泥石流与池尾有关,其余与天然大块木屑有关。大型的木质碎片,无论是天然的还是人造的,似乎都是大西洋鲑鱼产卵栖息地的重要来源。模仿自然倒下的木材的人工结构可有效恢复产卵栖息地。



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