首页> 外文期刊>Nonlinear analysis. Real world applications >A note on the unsteady flow of a generalized second-grade fluid through a circular cylinder subject to a time dependent shear stress

A note on the unsteady flow of a generalized second-grade fluid through a circular cylinder subject to a time dependent shear stress


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The unsteady flow of a generalized second-grade fluid through an infinite straight circular cylinder is considered. The flow of the fluid is due to the longitudinal time dependent shear stress that is prescribed on the boundary of the cylinder. The fractional calculus approach in the governing equation corresponding to a second-grade fluid is introduced. The velocity field and the resulting shear stress are obtained by means of the finite Hankel and Laplace transforms. In order to avoid lengthy calculations of residues and contour integrals, the discrete inverse Laplace transform method is used. The corresponding solutions for ordinary second-grade and Newtonian fluids, performing the same motion, are obtained as limiting cases of our general solutions. Finally, the influence of the material constants and of the fractional parameter on the velocity and shear stress variations is underlined by graphical illustrations.



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