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The local variational principle of topological pressure for sub-additive potentials


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Let (X,T) be a topological dynamical system and F=fnn=1∞ be a sub-additive potential on C(X,R). Let U be an open cover of X. Then for any T-invariant measure μ, let F*(μ)=lim_(n→∞) 1∫f_ndμ. The topological pressure for open covers U is defined for sub-additive potentials. Then we have a variational principle: P(T,F,U)=supμhμ(T,U)+F_*(μ):μ∈M(X,T) where hμ(T,U) denotes the measure-theoretic entropy of μ relative to U and the supremum can be attained by a T-invariant ergodic measure. The main purpose of this paper is to generalize a result of Huang and Yi (2007) [17]. In the paper [17], they proved the local variational principle of pressure for additive potentials. Furthermore, we prove the result P(T,F)=limdiam(U)→0P(T,F;U). Moreover, we obtained P(T,F)=supμhμ(T)+F_* (μ):μ∈M(X,T), which gives another proof of the topological pressure variational principle for sub-additive potentials from Cao et al. (2008) [14].
机译:令(X,T)为拓扑动力系统,而F = fnn =1∞为C(X,R)上的亚加和势。令U为X的开盖。然后对于任何T不变度量μ,令F *(μ)= lim_(n→∞)1 ∫f_ndμ。对于次加性势,定义了开放覆盖层U的拓扑压力。然后我们有一个变分原理:P(T,F,U)=supμhμ(T,U)+ F _ *(μ):μ∈M(X,T)其中hμ(T,U)表示量度理论熵可以通过T不变的遍历测度获得相对于U和上半部分的μ数。本文的主要目的是归纳出Huang和Yi(2007)的结果[17]。在论文[17]中,他们证明了加性势的局部压力变化原理。此外,我们证明了结果P(T,F)= limdiam(U)→0P(T,F; U)。此外,我们获得了P(T,F)=supμhμ(T)+ F_ *(μ):μ∈M(X,T),这进一步证明了曹等人关于次加性势的拓扑压力变化原理。 (2008)[14]。



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