首页> 外文期刊>Nonlinear dynamics >Soliton solutions for the reduced maxwell-bloch system in nonlinear optics via the N-fold darboux transformation

Soliton solutions for the reduced maxwell-bloch system in nonlinear optics via the N-fold darboux transformation


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Under investigation in this paper is the reduced Maxwell-Bloch system, which describes the propagation of the intense ultra-short optical pulses through a two-level dielectric medium. Through symbolic computation, conservation laws are derived and N-fold Darboux transformation (DT) is constructed for that system. By virtue of the DT obtained, multisoliton solutions are generated. Figures are plotted to reveal the following dynamic features of the solitons: (1) Elastic interactions between two bright one-peak solitons, between two bight two-peak solitons and between two dark two-peak solitons; (2) Parallel propagations between two bright one-peak solitons, between two bright two-peak solitons and between two dark two-peak solitons; (3) Periodic propagations of hump solitons, of a pair of bound hump solitons with the same amplitude and of dark solitons.
机译:本文正在研究的是简化的Maxwell-Bloch系统,该系统描述了强烈的超短光脉冲通过两级电介质的传播。通过符号计算,导出了守恒定律,并为该系统构造了N折Darboux变换(DT)。借助于获得的DT,产生了多孤子溶液。绘制图形以揭示孤子的以下动态特征:(1)两个明亮的单峰孤子之间,两个弯曲的两峰孤子之间以及两个黑暗的两峰孤子之间的弹性相互作用; (2)两个明亮的一峰孤子之间,两个明亮的两峰孤子之间以及两个黑暗的两峰孤子之间的平行传播; (3)驼峰孤子,一对具有相同幅度的束缚驼峰孤子和暗孤子的周期性传播。



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