首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Three-dimensional redox image of the normal gerbil brain.

Three-dimensional redox image of the normal gerbil brain.


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Regional differences in the redox ratio were studied in the gerbil brain. Brains were frozen using an in situ funnel-freezing method, and sliced coronally for scanning of mitochondrial redox imaging. The relative local redox ratio of nicotinamide-adenosine dinucleotide to its reduced form was calculated from fluorescence signals of intrinsic fluorochromes, i.e. reduced nicotinamide-adenosine dinucleotide and flavoproteins, using a high resolution fluorometer developed in our laboratory. Twelve consecutive coronal images were obtained from each of 10 gerbils. The mean value of the regional redox ratio in both the cerebral and cerebellar gray matter were found to be significantly lower than that in the cerebral and cerebellar white matter (P < 0.01, Mann-Whitney test). Local differences in the redox ratio were also found among subregions of gray matter. The redox ratio in the globus pallidus was significantly higher than values in other subregions of gray matter (P < 0.01, Mann-Whitney test) We postulate that a high concentration of the reduced form of pyridine nucleotide is maintained to provide redox energy for rapid turnover of ATP in the areas of high energy consumption.
机译:在沙鼠大脑中研究了氧化还原比的区域差异。使用原位漏斗冷冻法将大脑冷冻,并冠状切片以扫描线粒体氧化还原成像。烟酰胺-腺苷二核苷酸相对于其还原形式的相对局部氧化还原比是使用本实验室开发的高分辨率荧光计根据固有荧光染料即还原的烟酰胺-腺苷二核苷酸和黄素蛋白的荧光信号计算的。从10个沙鼠中分别获取十二个连续的冠状图像。发现脑和小脑灰质中区域氧化还原率的平均值显着低于脑和小脑白质中的区域氧化还原率(P <0.01,Mann-Whitney检验)。在灰质子区域之间还发现了氧化还原比的局部差异。苍白球中的氧化还原比显着高于其他灰质亚区域的值(P <0.01,Mann-Whitney检验)我们假设维持高浓度的吡啶核苷酸的还原形式,以提供快速转换所需的氧化还原能量ATP在高能耗领域的应用。



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