首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Initiation of electrographic seizures by neuronal networks in entorhinal and perirhinal cortices in vitro.

Initiation of electrographic seizures by neuronal networks in entorhinal and perirhinal cortices in vitro.


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The hippocampus is often considered to play a major role in the pathophysiology of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. However, emerging clinical and experimental evidence suggests that parahippocampal areas may contribute to a greater extent to limbic seizure initiation, and perhaps epileptogenesis. To date, little is known about the participation of entorhinal and perirhinal networks to epileptiform synchronization. Here, we addressed this issue by using simultaneous field potential recordings in horizontal rat brain slices containing interconnected limbic structures that included the hippocampus proper. Epileptiform discharges were disclosed by bath applying the convulsant drug 4-aminopyridine (50 microM) or by superfusing Mg(2+)-free medium. In the presence of 4-aminopyridine, slow interictal- (duration=2.34+/-0.29 s; interval of occurrence=25.75+/-2.11 s, n=16) and ictal-like (duration=31.25+/-3.34 s; interval of occurrence=196.96+/-21.56 s, n=17) discharges were recorded in entorhinal and perirhinal cortices after abating the propagation of CA3-driven interictal activity to these areas following extended hippocampal knife cuts. Simultaneous recordings obtained from the medial and lateral entorhinal cortex, and from the perirhinal cortex revealed that interictal and ictal discharges could initiate from any of these areas and propagate to the neighboring structure with delays of 8-66 ms. However, slow interictal- and ictal-like events more often originated in the medial entorhinal cortex and perirhinal cortex, respectively. Cutting the connections between entorhinal and perirhinal cortices (n=10), or functional inactivation of cortical areas by local application of a glutamatergic receptor antagonist (n=11) made independent epileptiform activity occur in all areas. These procedures also shortened ictal discharge duration in the entorhinal cortices, but not in the perirhinal area. Similar results could be obtained by applying Mg(2+)-free medium (n=7). These findings indicate that parahippocampal networks provide independent epileptiform synchronization sufficient to sustain limbic seizures as well as that the perirhinal cortex plays a preferential role in in vitro ictogenesis.
机译:通常认为海马在颞叶颞叶癫痫的病理生理中起主要作用。然而,新兴的临床和实验证据表明,海马旁区域可能在更大程度上促成边缘性癫痫发作的发生,甚至可能是癫痫发生的原因。迄今为止,关于内嗅和周围神经网络参与癫痫样同步的了解甚少。在这里,我们通过在包含相互连接的边缘结构(包括海马体在内)的水平大鼠脑切片中同时使用场电位记录来解决此问题。通过使用惊厥药4-氨基吡啶(50 microM)浴或通过超融合无Mg(2+)的培养基来披露癫痫样放电。在存在4-氨基吡啶的情况下,缓慢的发作间隔(持续时间= 2.34 +/- 0.29 s;发生间隔= 25.75 +/- 2.11 s,n = 16)和类似发作发作的(持续时间= 31.25 +/- 3.34 s;在延长的海马刀切割后,减少了CA3驱动的间隙活性向这些区域的传播后,记录了内嗅和周围神经皮质的放电间隔= 196.96 +/- 21.56 s,n = 17)。从内侧和外侧内嗅皮层以及从周围皮层皮层获得的同时记录表明,壁间和壁间放电可从这些区域中的任何一个开始,并以8-66 ms的延迟传播到邻近的结构。然而,缓慢的发作期和发作样事件分别更多地起源于内侧内嗅皮层和周围皮层。通过局部应用谷氨酸能受体拮抗剂(n = 11),切断内嗅皮层和周围神经皮层之间的连接(n = 10),或使皮质区域功能失活,使得在所有区域都发生独立的癫痫样活动。这些步骤还缩短了内嗅皮质的肠壁放电持续时间,但未缩短其周围区域。通过应用不含Mg(2+)的培养基(n = 7)可以获得类似的结果。这些发现表明,海马旁网络提供了独立的癫痫样同步,足以维持边缘性癫痫发作,并且在周围的ICT发生中,周围神经皮层发挥了重要作用。



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