首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Intrinsic collaterals of layer 6 Meynert cells and functional columns in primate V1.

Intrinsic collaterals of layer 6 Meynert cells and functional columns in primate V1.


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Meynert cells are a distinct type of large neuron which project to area MT/V5 and to subcortical targets, including the superior colliculus. They have recently been shown to have extensive intrinsic collaterals spreading up to 8.0 mm within layer 6 of area V1 [J Comp Neurol 441 (2001) 134]. Using intrinsic signal imaging combined with tracer injections, this study investigates how Meynert cell collaterals are mapped in relation to the functional architecture of area V1 in macaque monkeys. In particular, we examined whether terminations of individual axon segments are selective for same-eye or opposite-eye domains. Analysis of 39 anterogradely labeled axon segments (from six injection sites in four hemispheres) showed that terminal segments cross over several pairs of ocular dominance columns (ODCs) and contact both left- and right-eye ODCs, with a slight bias for the contralateral eye. This contrasts with the same-eye bias previously reported for intrinsic collaterals of pyramidal neurons in layer 3. The suggestion is that the system of Meynert intrinsic collaterals is involved with binocular interactions over wide sectors of the visual field. This might be related to processes such as optic flow or, especially given the wide-field spread, even contour completion or interpolation.
机译:Meynert细胞是大神经元的一种独特类型,可投射到MT / V5区域和皮质下靶标,包括上丘。最近已显示它们在区域V1的第6层中具有广泛的内在分支,扩展至8.0 mm [J Comp Neurol 441(2001)134]。使用固有信号成像结合示踪剂注射,本研究调查了猕猴Meynert细胞侧支如何与V1区域的功能结构有关。特别是,我们检查了单个轴突段的终止是否对同一只眼睛或另一只眼睛的域具有选择性。对39个顺行标记的轴突节段(来自四个半球的六个注射部位)的分析表明,末端节段跨过几对眼优势柱(ODC)并接触左眼和右眼ODC,对侧眼有轻微偏斜。这与先前报道的第3层锥体神经元内在侧支的同眼偏向相反。建议是,Meynert本侧侧支的系统与视野的广阔区域中的双目相互作用有关。这可能与光流等过程有关,或者可能与宽视场扩展,甚至轮廓完成或插值有关。



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