首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Postsynaptic pyramidal target selection by descending layer III pyramidal axons: dual intracellular recordings and biocytin filling in slices of rat neocortex.

Postsynaptic pyramidal target selection by descending layer III pyramidal axons: dual intracellular recordings and biocytin filling in slices of rat neocortex.


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Paired intracellular recordings in slices of adult rat neocortex with biocytin filling of synaptically connected neurons were used to investigate the pyramidal targets, in layer V, of layer III pyramidal axons. The time-course and sensitivity of excitatory postsynaptic potentials to current injected at the soma, and locations of close appositions between presynaptic axons and postsynaptic dendrites, indicated that the majority of contributory synapses were located in layer V. Within a "column" of tissue, radius < or = 250 microm, the probability that a randomly selected layer III pyramid innervated a layer V pyramid was 1 in 4 if the target cell was a burst firing pyramid with an apical dendritic tuft in layers II/I. If, however, the potential target was a regular spiking pyramid, the probability of connectivity was only 1 in 40, and none of the 13 anatomically identified postsynaptic layer V targets had a slender apical dendrite terminating in layers IV/III. Morphological reconstructions indicated that layer III pyramids select target layer V cells whose apical dendrites pass within 50-100 microm of the soma of the presynaptic pyramid in layer III and which have overlapping apical dendritic tufts in the superficial layers. The probability that a layer V cell would innervate a layer III pyramid lying within 250 microm of its apical dendrite was much lower (one in 58). Both presynaptic layer III pyramids and their large postsynaptic layer V targets could therefore access similar inputs in layers I/II, while small layer V pyramids could not. One prediction from the present data would be that neither descending layer V inputs to the striatum or thalamus, nor transcallosal connections would be readily activated by longer distance cortico-cortical "feedback" connections that terminated in layers I/II. These could, however, activate corticofugal pathways to the superior colliculus or pons, both directly and via layer III.
机译:成年大鼠新皮质切片中成对的胞内记录与突触连接的神经元的生物细胞素填充配对用于研究III层锥体轴突在V层的锥体靶标。兴奋性突触后电位对躯体注入电流的时程和敏感性,以及突触前轴突和突触后树突之间紧密并置的位置,表明大多数贡献性突触位于V层。在组织的“列”中,如果半径小于或等于250微米,则如果目标细胞是在II / I层中具有顶端树突状簇的突发发射金字塔,则随机选择的III层金字塔支配V层金字塔的概率为四分之一。但是,如果潜在的目标是规则的尖峰金字塔,则连通的可能性只有40分之一,并且在解剖学上确定的13个突触后第V层目标中,没有一个在第IV / III层终止的细长的顶端树突。形态学重建表明,第III层金字塔选择了目标层V细胞,这些细胞的根尖树突在第III层中突触前金字塔的体的50-100微米之内通过,并且在表层具有重叠的根尖树突簇。 V层细胞会神经末梢树突的250微米以内的III层金字塔的概率要低得多(58分之一)。因此,突触前第III层金字塔和其较大的突触后第V层目标都可以访问I / II层中的类似输入,而小V层金字塔则不能。根据当前数据的一种预测是,下降的第V层不会输入到纹状体或丘脑,也不会通过在I / II层终止的更远距离的皮质-皮质“反馈”连接来激活跨call连接。但是,这些可以直接或通过第III层激活到上丘或脑桥的皮质ugugal通路。



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