首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Prostaglandin transporter expression in mouse brain during development and in response to hypoxia.

Prostaglandin transporter expression in mouse brain during development and in response to hypoxia.


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Prostaglandins (PGs) are bioactive lipid mediators released following brain hypoxic-ischemic injury. Clearance and re-uptake of these prostaglandins occur via a transmembrane prostaglandin transporter (PGT), which exchanges PG for lactate. We used Western blot analyses to examine the PGT developmental profile and its regional distribution as well as changes in transporter expression during chronic hypoxia in the neonatal mouse brain. Microsomal preparations from four brain regions (cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum and brainstem/diencephalon) showed gradual increases in prostaglandin transporter expression in all brain regions examined from postnatal day 1 till day 30. There was a significant regional heterogeneity in the prostaglandin transporter expression with highest expression in the cortex, followed by cerebellum and hippocampus, and least expressed in the brainstem/diencephalon. To further delineate the pattern of prostaglandin transporter expression, separate astrocytic and neuronal microsomal preparations were also examined. In contrast to neurons, which had a robust expression of prostaglandin transporters, astrocytes had very little PGT expression under basal conditions. In response to chronic hypoxia, there was a significant decline in PGT expression in vivo and in neurons in vitro, whereas cultured astrocytes increased their PGT expression. This is the first report on PGT expression in the CNS and our studies suggest that PGTs have 1) a widespread distribution in the CNS; 2) a gradual increase and a differential expression in various regions during brain development; and 3) striking contrast in expression between glia and neurons, especially in response to hypoxia. Since PGTs play a role as prostaglandin-lactate exchangers, we hypothesize that PGTs are important in the CNS during stress such as hypoxia.
机译:前列腺素(PGs)是脑缺氧缺血性损伤后释放的生物活性脂质介质。这些前列腺素的清除和再摄取是通过跨膜前列腺素转运蛋白(PGT)进行的,该转运蛋白将PG交换为乳酸。我们使用蛋白质印迹分析来检查PGT发育概况及其区域分布,以及新生儿小鼠脑中慢性缺氧期间转运蛋白表达的变化。从出生后第1天到第30天,检查的所有脑区域中来自四个大脑区域(皮层,海马,小脑和脑干/脑脑)的微粒体制剂均显示前列腺素转运蛋白表达逐渐增加。前列腺素转运蛋白表达存在明显的区域异质性,最高在大脑皮层中的表达最多,其次是小脑和海马,并且在脑干/大脑中的表达最少。为了进一步描述前列腺素转运蛋白的表达模式,还检查了单独的星形细胞和神经元微粒体制剂。与神经元具有强烈的前列腺素转运蛋白表达相反,在基础条件下星形胶质细胞的PGT表达极少。响应慢性缺氧,体内和体外神经元中PGT的表达均明显下降,而培养的星形胶质细胞则增加了其PGT的表达。这是有关中枢神经系统中PGT表达的第一份报告,我们的研究表明,PGT在中枢神经系统中具有广泛的分布; 2)在大脑发育过程中各个区域的逐渐增加和差异表达; 3)胶质细胞和神经元之间的表达形成鲜明对比,尤其是对缺氧的反应。由于PGT充当前列腺素-乳酸交换剂,因此我们假设PGT在应激(如缺氧)过程中对CNS很重要。



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