首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >GABAergic processes in the mesencephalic tegmentum modulate the occurrence of active (rapid eye movement) sleep in guinea pigs.

GABAergic processes in the mesencephalic tegmentum modulate the occurrence of active (rapid eye movement) sleep in guinea pigs.


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The ventrolateral subdivision of the periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) and the adjacent dorsal mesencephalic reticular formation (dMRF) are involved in the modulation of active (rapid eye movement) sleep (AS). In order to determine the effects on AS of the suppression of neuronal activity in these regions, muscimol, a GABA receptor A (GABA(A)) receptor agonist, and bicuculline, a GABA(A) receptor antagonist, were microinjected bilaterally in guinea pigs and the states of sleep and wakefulness were examined. The main effect of muscimol was an increase in AS; this increase occurred in conjunction with a reduction in the time spent in wakefulness. The powerful effect of muscimol was striking especially when considering the small amount of naturally-occurring AS that is present in this species. Additional observable effects that were induced by muscimol were: 1) long lasting episodes of hypotonia/atonia during wakefulness and quiet sleep that included a lack of extensor tone in the hind limbs, and 2) frequently occurring cortical spindles, similar to those observed during naturally-occurring quiet sleep (sleep spindles), that were present during wakefulness. Conversely, bilateral microinjections of bicuculline induced a prolonged state of wakefulness and blocked the effect of subsequent injections of muscimol. These data suggest that endogenous GABA acts on GABA(A) receptors within the vlPAG and dMRF to promote AS in the guinea pig.
机译:导水管周围灰质(vlPAG)的腹侧细分和相邻的背中脑网状结构(dMRF)参与主动(快速眼动)睡眠(AS)的调节。为了确定这些区域抑制神经元活性对AS的影响,向豚鼠两侧显微注射了muscimol(一种GABA受体A(GABA(A))受体激动剂)和bicuculline(一种GABA(A)受体拮抗剂)。并检查睡眠和清醒状态。 muscimol的主要作用是AS升高。这种增加与减少唤醒时间有关。当考虑到该物种中存在少量天然存在的AS时,muscimol的强大作用尤其显着。麝香酚引起的其他可观察到的影响是:1)在清醒和安静的睡眠期间出现持续性的低渗/失语,包括后肢缺乏伸肌音调; 2)频繁发生的皮质纺锤体,类似于自然时期观察到的。 -在清醒期间出现的安静睡眠(纺锤体)。相反,双小分子双小分子的微注射诱导了长时间的清醒状态,并阻止了随后注射麝香酚的作用。这些数据表明内源性GABA作用于vlPAG和dMRF中的GABA(A)受体,从而促进豚鼠的AS。



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