首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Inhibition of neuronal (type 1) nitric oxide synthase prevents hyperaemia and hippocampal lesions resulting from kainate-induced seizures.

Inhibition of neuronal (type 1) nitric oxide synthase prevents hyperaemia and hippocampal lesions resulting from kainate-induced seizures.


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The possible roles for nitric oxide produced by neurons in epileptic conditions have been investigated from two different aspects: microcirculation and delayed damage. Our aim was to determine whether the selective inhibition of neuronal (type 1) nitric oxide synthase by 7-nitroindazole, during seizures induced by systemic kainate, modifies hippocampal blood flow and oxygen supply and influences the subsequent hippocampal damage. Experiments were performed in conscious Wistar rats whose electroencephalogram was recorded. 7-Nitroindazole (25 mg/kg, i.p.) or its vehicle was injected 30 min before kainate administration (10 mg/kg, i.p.) and then twice at 1-h intervals. Kainate triggered typical limbic seizures evolving into status epilepticus, identified by uninterrupted electroencephalographic spike activity. The seizures were stopped by diazepam (5 mg/kg, i.p.) after 1 h of status epilepticus. Three types of experiments were performed in vehicle- and 7-nitroindazole-treated rats. (1) Hippocampal nitric oxide synthase activity was measured under basal conditions, at 1 h after the onset of the status epilepticus and at 24 h after its termination (n = 4-6 per group). (2) Hippocampal blood flow and tissue partial pressure of oxygen were measured simultaneously by mass spectrometry for the whole duration of the experiment, while systemic variables and body temperature were monitored (n = 6 per group). (3) Hippocampal damage was revealed by Cresyl Violet staining and evaluated with a lesion score seven days after status epilepticus (n = 12 per group). Hippocampal nitric oxide synthase activity was not significantly modified during status epilepticus or the following day in vehicle-treated rats. In contrast, it was inhibited by 57% in 7-nitroindazole-treated rats, both in basal conditions and after 1 h of status epilepticus, but was not different from its basal level 24 h later. 7-Nitroindazole significantly decreased basal hippocampal blood flow and tissue partial pressure in oxygen by 30% and 35%, respectively without affecting any systemic or thermal variable. During status epilepticus, 7-nitroindazole significantly reduced the increase in hippocampal blood flow by 70% and prevented any increase in the tissue partial pressure of oxygen. Seven days later, the hippocampal damage in the CA1 and CA3 layers was significantly less in 7-nitroindazole-treated rats than in vehicle-treated rats. These results indicate that the inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase by 7-nitroindazole protects neurons from seizure-induced toxicity despite reducing blood flow and oxygen supply to the hippocampus.
机译:从两个不同的方面研究了神经元在癫痫病中产生的一氧化氮的可能作用:微循环和延迟损伤。我们的目的是确定在全身性海藻酸盐引发的癫痫发作中,由7-硝基吲唑对神经元(1型)一氧化氮合酶的选择性抑制是否会改变海马的血流和氧气供应,并影响随后的海马损害。实验在有意识的Wistar大鼠中进行,记录其脑电图。在海藻酸盐给药前30分钟(10 mg / kg,腹膜内)注射7-硝基吲唑(25 mg / kg,腹腔)或其媒介,然后每隔1小时注射两次。海藻酸盐触发典型的边缘性癫痫发作,演变为癫痫持续状态,这由不间断的脑电图峰值活动确定。癫痫持续1小时后,用地西epa(5 mg / kg,腹腔注射)停止癫痫发作。在载体和7-硝基吲唑处理的大鼠中进行了三种类型的实验。 (1)在基础条件下,癫痫持续发作后1小时和终止后24小时测量海马一氧化氮合酶活性(每组n = 4-6)。 (2)在整个实验过程中,通过质谱仪同时测量海马的血流量和组织氧分压,同时监测全身变量和体温(每组n = 6)。 (3)癫痫持续7天后,通过Cresyl Violet染色显示海马损伤,并通过病变评分进行评估(每组n = 12)。在癫痫持续状态期间或在接受媒介物治疗的大鼠中,第二天海马一氧化氮合酶活性没有明显改变。相比之下,在基础条件下和癫痫持续状态1小时后,经7-硝基吲唑处理的大鼠均被抑制了57%,但与24小时后的基础水平没有差异。 7-硝基吲唑在不影响任何全身或热变量的情况下,分别使氧气中的基础海马血流量和组织分压分别降低了30%和35%。在癫痫持续状态期间,7-硝基吲唑可将海马血流量的增加显着减少70%,并防止氧气的组织分压增加。 7天后,用7-硝基吲唑处理的大鼠中CA1和CA3层的海马损伤明显少于用载体处理的大鼠。这些结果表明,尽管减少了向海马的血流量和氧气供应,但是7-硝基吲唑对神经元一氧化氮合酶的抑制保护了神经元免受癫痫发作诱导的毒性。



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