首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Neurochemical brain groups activated after an isotonic blood volume expansion in rats.

Neurochemical brain groups activated after an isotonic blood volume expansion in rats.


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In order to establish the involvement of particular neurochemical brain groups in the response to blood volume expansion, we analyzed Fos-labeling in combination with immunolabeling for serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase, vasopressin and oxytocin, 90 min after a sham or i.v. isotonic blood volume expansion (BVE) in unanesthetized, unrestrained rats. We also examined the changes in concentration of oxytocin, atrial natriuretic peptide and vasopressin plasma, induced by blood volume load, to confirm our previous studies. The results demonstrate the participation of specific paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus groups of cells (oxytocinergic-vasopressinergic), serotoninergic dorsal raphe nucleus cells and catecholaminergic A1/A2/A6 groups (in the caudal ventrolateral medulla, nucleus of the solitary tract and locus coeruleus respectively), in the regulatory response to BVE. They provide detailed neuroanatomical evidence to support previous observations showing the contribution of these neurochemical systems in the neural, behavioral and endocrine response to isotonic BVE.
机译:为了确定特定神经化学大脑组参与对血容量扩展的反应,我们在假手术或静脉注射后90分钟分析了Fos标记与血清素,酪氨酸羟化酶,加压素和催产素免疫标记的结合。等麻醉,不受约束的大鼠的等渗血容量膨胀(BVE)。我们还检查了由血容量负荷引起的催产素,心房利钠肽和加压素血浆浓度的变化,以证实我们以前的研究。结果表明特定的心室旁和视上核细胞群(催产素能血管加压素能),5-羟色胺能背脊神经元细胞和儿茶酚胺能A1 / A2 / A6组(分别在尾侧腹外侧延髓,孤束核和轨迹核中)参与,在对BVE的监管回应中。他们提供了详细的神经解剖学证据来支持以前的观察,这些观察表明这些神经化学系统在等渗BVE的神经,行为和内分泌反应中的作用。



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