首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Profiles of novel diurnally regulated genes in mouse hypothalamus: expression analysis of the cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing, zinc-binding protein 1, the fatty acid-binding protein 7 and the GTPase, ras-like family member 11b.

Profiles of novel diurnally regulated genes in mouse hypothalamus: expression analysis of the cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing, zinc-binding protein 1, the fatty acid-binding protein 7 and the GTPase, ras-like family member 11b.


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Gene expression profiling of suprachiasmatic nucleus, ventrolateral preoptic area and the lateral hypothalamus was used to identify genes regulated diurnally in the hypothalamus of Mus musculus. The putative transcription regulator, cysteine and histidine-rich domain-containing, zinc binding protein 1, which had not been previously described in brain, was found to cycle diurnally in hypothalamus and forebrain with peak levels of mRNA expression during the dark phase. mRNA for the brain-type fatty acid binding protein 7 was found to change rhythmically in hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic brain regions reaching peak levels early in the light phase suggesting that lipid metabolism is under circadian regulation in astrocytes. Rhythmically expressed genes in suprachiasmatic nucleus identified here were compared with previous reports in a meta-analysis. Genes held in common included fabp7, and the period gene, Per2. Also identified were genes implicated in guanosine-mediated signaling pathways that included dexamethasone-induced ras-related protein one (dexras1), regulator of G-protein signaling (rgs) 16, and ras-like family member 11b. Northern blotting confirmed diurnal changes in mRNA expression in the hypothalamus for these genes. Ras-like family member 11b was examined in more detail using in situ hybridization and antiphase diurnal changes in expression in suprachiasmatic nucleus and arcuate nucleus were identified implicating the gene in circadian-related, guanosine-mediated signaling. The transcription transactivator protein, CBP/p300-interacting transactivators with glutamic acid/aspartic acid-rich carboxyl-terminal domain, which had not been previously identified in brain, was enriched in suprachiasmatic nucleus and discrete regions of the hypothalamus and forebrain. The potential regulatory role of CBP/p300-interacting transactivators with glutamic acid/aspartic acid-rich carboxyl-terminal domain in the transcription of genes like TGF-alpha implicates the protein in diurnal activity rhythms. These results demonstrate the ability of gene expression profiling to identify potential candidates important in circadian or homeostatic processes.
机译:利用上睑裂状核,腹侧前视区和下丘脑外侧的基因表达谱来鉴定小家鼠下丘脑中昼夜调节的基因。推定的转录调节因子,半胱氨酸和富含组氨酸的富含域的锌结合蛋白1,以前在大脑中未曾描述过,发现它在下丘脑和前脑中昼夜循环,在黑暗期mRNA表达达到峰值。发现脑型脂肪酸结合蛋白7的mRNA在下丘脑和下丘脑外脑区的节律性变化,在轻相早期达到峰值,这表明星形胶质细胞的脂质代谢处于昼夜节律的调节之下。在荟萃分析中将此处鉴定的视交叉上核中有节奏表达的基因与以前的报道进行了比较。共有的基因包括fabp7和周期基因Per2。还鉴定出与鸟嘌呤介导的信号通路有关的基因,包括地塞米松诱导的ras相关蛋白一(dexras1),G蛋白信号调节剂(rgs)16和ras样家族成员11b。 Northern印迹证实这些基因在下丘脑中mRNA表达的昼夜变化。使用原位杂交对Ras样家族成员11b进行了更详细的检查,并鉴定了昼夜视神经上核和弓形核中反相的昼夜表达变化,表明该基因参与了昼夜节律相关的鸟苷介导的信号传导。转录反激活蛋白,具有谷氨酸/天冬氨酸丰富的羧基末端结构域的CBP / p300相互作用反激活蛋白,以前在大脑中尚未发现,富含在视交叉上核和下丘脑和前脑的离散区域。 CBP / p300相互作用的反式激活子与富含谷氨酸/天冬氨酸的羧基末端结构域在诸如TGF-α的基因转录中的潜在调控作用牵涉该蛋白质的昼夜活动节律。这些结果证明了基因表达谱分析能够识别在昼夜节律或体内平衡过程中重要的潜在候选物的能力。



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