首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Inflammatory mediators convert anandamide into a potent activator of the vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor in nociceptive primary sensory neurons.

Inflammatory mediators convert anandamide into a potent activator of the vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor in nociceptive primary sensory neurons.


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The endogenous ligand, anandamide activates at least two receptors on nociceptors; the excitatory vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor, the activity of which is indispensable for the development and maintenance of inflammatory heat hyperalgesia, and the inhibitory cannabinoid 1 receptor, the activity of which reduces that pathological pain sensation. Recent data are equivocal on whether increasing anandamide levels at the peripheral terminals of nociceptors in pathological conditions increases or decreases inflammatory heat hyperalgesia. Here, by using the cobalt-uptake technique we examined whether vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor activity evoked by 10 nM-100 microM anandamide is increased or decreased in inflammatory conditions. An inflammatory milieu for cultured rat primary sensory neurons was established by incubating the cells in the presence of the inflammatory mediators, bradykinin and prostaglandin E2. Anandamide, similarly to the archetypical vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor agonist, capsaicin induced concentration-dependent cobalt-uptake in a proportion of neurons. However, the potency of anandamide was significantly lower than that of capsaicin. While pre-incubation of cultures with bradykinin and prostaglandin E2 alone did not evoke cobalt-entry, the inflammatory mediators potentiated the effect of both capsaicin and anandamide. Application of the competitive vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor antagonist, capsazepine, or inhibitors of protein kinase A, protein kinase C or phospholipase C inhibited the anandamide-evoked cobalt-uptake both in the presence and absence of bradykinin and prostaglandin E2. These findings show that inflammatory mediators significantly increase the excitatory potency and efficacy of anandamide on vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor, thus, increasing the anandamide concentration in, or around the peripheral terminals of nociceptors might rather evoke than decrease inflammatory heat hyperalgesia.
机译:内源性配体anandamide激活伤害感受器上的至少两个受体。兴奋性类香草素1型瞬态受体电位受体(其活性对于炎性热痛觉过敏的形成和维持是必不可少的)和抑制性大麻素1受体(其活性降低了这种病理性疼痛感)。关于病理条件下伤害感受器外围末端增加的二十烷酰胺水平是否增加或减少炎热痛觉过敏,最新数据尚不明确。在这里,通过使用钴吸收技术,我们检查了在炎性条件下由10 nM-100 microM阿南酰胺引起的类香草素1型瞬态受体电位受体活性是增加还是减少。通过在炎症介质,缓激肽和前列腺素E2的存在下孵育细胞来建立培养的大鼠初级感觉神经元的炎症环境。辣椒素与典型的香草类1型瞬态受体电位受体激动剂相似,辣椒素在一定比例的神经元中诱导了浓度依赖性钴的吸收。然而,阿南酰胺的效力显着低于辣椒素。虽然仅用缓激肽和前列腺素E2进行培养物的预培养并不能激发钴的进入,但炎症介质增强了辣椒素和anandamide的作用。在存在和不存在缓激肽和前列腺素E2的情况下,应用竞争性香草醛1型瞬态受体电位受体拮抗剂,辣椒素或蛋白激酶A,蛋白激酶C或磷脂酶C的抑制剂均抑制了由anandamide诱发的钴摄取。这些发现表明,炎症介质显着提高了anandamide对类香草素1型瞬时受体电势受体的兴奋性和功效,因此,增加伤害感受器周围或末梢周围的anandamide浓度可能比减轻炎症性热痛觉过敏更为有效。



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