首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Neonatal manipulations of oxytocin alter expression of oxytocin and vasopressin immunoreactive cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in a gender-specific manner.

Neonatal manipulations of oxytocin alter expression of oxytocin and vasopressin immunoreactive cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in a gender-specific manner.


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Early postnatal manipulations of oxytocin have long-term behavioral and physiological consequences; the present study examined the hypothesis that oxytocin or its absence influences the subsequent expression of either oxytocin or arginine vasopressin in the CNS. On postnatal day 1 female and male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) received a single i.p. injection of oxytocin (3 microg), oxytocin antagonist (0.3 microg), or 50 microl of isotonic saline or were only handled. On postnatal days 1, 8 and 21, brains were fixed, sectioned and stained for oxytocin or vasopressin immunoreactivity and analyzed as a function of age, treatment and sex. Both oxytocin and vasopressin immunoreactivity were observed on day 1 in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei (PVN) of the hypothalamus. Numbers of oxytocin and vasopressin neurons increased with age in both nuclei. Females treated on postnatal day 1 with oxytocin or oxytocin antagonist displayed a significant increase in oxytocin immunoreactivity on day 21 in the PVN. In contrast, males treated with antagonist tended to have decreased vasopressin immunoreactivity in the same region. These results revealed that the effects of neonatal manipulation of oxytocin are age-dependent, site-specific and sexually dimorphic. The long-lasting effects of neonatal exposure to exogenous oxytocin and oxytocin antagonist indicate a role for oxytocin in the development of the CNS during the neonatal period, affecting the development of the oxytocinergic system in females and the vasopressinergic system in males. The developmental effects observed suggest one possible mechanism by which neonatal exposure to oxytocin or neonatal inhibition of endogenous oxytocin produces long-lasting behavioral and physiological alterations and could play a role in the development of male- and female-typical behavior.
机译:产后早期使用催产素会产生长期的行为和生理后果。本研究检验了催产素或不存在催产素会影响催产素或精氨酸加压素在CNS中后续表达的假设。在产后第1天,雌性和雄性大田鼠(Microtus ochrogaster)接受一次腹膜内注射。注射催产素(3微克),催产素拮抗剂(0.3微克)或50微升等渗盐水或仅进行处理。在出生后的第1、8和21天,固定大脑,切片并进行催产素或加压素免疫反应性染色,并根据年龄,治疗方法和性别进行分析。第1天在下丘脑的视上和室旁核(PVN)中观察到催产素和加压素的免疫反应性。催产素和加压素神经元的数量均随年龄增长而增加。出生后第1天使用催产素或催产素拮抗剂治疗的女性在第21天的PVN中表现出催产素免疫反应性显着增加。相反,用拮抗剂治疗的雄性在相同区域倾向于降低血管加压素的免疫反应性。这些结果表明,新生儿催产素的作用是年龄依赖性的,部位特异性的和性二态性的。新生儿暴露于外源性催产素和催产素拮抗剂的长期作用表明催产素在新生儿期中枢神经系统的发育中起着作用,影响女性的催产素系统和男性的血管加压素系统。观察到的发育效应表明,新生儿暴露于催产素或新生儿抑制内源性催产素可能产生一种持久的行为和生理变化,并可能在男女典型行为的发展中发挥作用。



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