首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering >A study on fish eggs and larvae drifting in the Jirau reservoir, Brazilian Amazon

A study on fish eggs and larvae drifting in the Jirau reservoir, Brazilian Amazon


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Jirau hydropower plant (Jirau HPP) is one of the largest scale run-of-river hydro-projects in the Madeira River, Brazilian Amazon. This project has attracted strong national and international attention, especially with respect to environmental issues, because the Madeira River supports a diverse fish species. Many of these are migratory species and impact the reproductive stocks of the fishes that live in the Amazon River. Numerical simulations to predict fish eggs and larvae drift have been scarce in hydropower plant studies in the Amazonian rivers. In this paper, we investigate the fish eggs and larvae drifting behavior in the backwater of the Jirau HPP. The model used simulates the fish eggs as passive particles, and adopts a second-order Lagrangian scheme coupled with a hydrodynamic model of SisBaHiA. The results obtained show that the transport of fish eggs in the Jirau reservoir is controlled mainly by hydrodynamic and the morphology of the run-of-river reservoir and that the fish eggs and larvae in the reservoir have a short residence time, and that the drift is continuing and unhindered. We observe, however, more studies are needed to have a whole understanding of eggs and larvae drifting in the Jirau reservoir.
机译:吉劳水电站(Jirau HPP)是巴西亚马逊马德拉河最大规模的径流水电项目之一。这个项目引起了国内和国际的强烈关注,特别是在环境问题方面,因为马德拉河支持着多种鱼类。其中许多是洄游物种,影响生活在亚马逊河的鱼类的繁殖种群。在亚马逊河流的水电站研究中,预测鱼卵和幼虫漂移的数值模拟很少。本文研究了Jirau HPP回水中的鱼卵和幼虫漂流行为。所使用的模型将鱼卵模拟为被动粒子,并采用二阶拉格朗日方案与SisBaHiA的流体动力学模型耦合。结果表明:吉劳水库鱼卵的输送主要受水动力和径流水库形态的控制,水库内鱼卵和幼虫停留时间短,漂移持续畅通。然而,我们观察到,需要更多的研究来全面了解吉劳水库中漂流的卵和幼虫。



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