首页> 外文期刊>New Forests >Growth and wood basic density of acacia hybrid clones at three locations in Vietnam

Growth and wood basic density of acacia hybrid clones at three locations in Vietnam


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Field trials testing a total of 27 clones of the interspecific hybrid Acacia mangium x A. auriculiformis and seedling controls of the parental species were established at Ba Vi and Yen Thanh in the north of Vietnam and Long Thanh in the south. At both Ba Vi and Yen Thanh there were significant (P < 0.001) differences in height and diameter at breast height (DBH) among 22 tested clones at 4 years. At Long Thanh, twelve hybrid clones did not differ significantly in DBH at age 3 years, but did (P < 0.001) at age 5 years. At the two northern sites the acacia hybrid clones had significantly greater DBH than control seedlots of the parental species. At Long Thanh, DBH of the hybrid clones and A. mangium was similar, with a genetically improved seedlot of A. mangium displaying the best DBH. Mean wood basic density at breast height of the acacia hybrid clones was 539 kg m(-3) at Yen Thanh at age 8 years, and 473 kg m(-3) at Long Thanh at age 5 years; density for A. mangium at Long Thanh was only slightly lower than the hybrid clones at 461 kg m(-3). Linear regressions of Pilodyn penetration (PP) at breast height on wood basic density explained 60% of the variance in density of treatments (clones and control seedlots) at Yen Thanh and 36% at Long Thanh. There were significant differences between hybrid clones in PP at all three trial sites. Clonal DBH performance was not strongly correlated across the three trial sites; Pearson correlations of clone mean DBH between pairs of sites ranged from -0.47 to 0.20. Clonal rankings for PP were more stable, with Pearson correlations between pairs of sites ranging from r = 0.71 to 0.78.
机译:在越南北部的Ba Vi和Yen Thanh,以及南部的Long Thanh建立了总共27种种间杂种金合欢x a。auriculiformis克隆和亲本种苗对照的田间试验。在Ba Vi和Yen Thanh,在4年时有22个测试克隆的身高和胸高(DBH)直径存在显着差异(P <0.001)。在Long Thanh,十二个杂种克隆在3岁时的DBH并没有显着差异,但在5岁时却有显着差异(P <0.001)。在北部的两个地点,相思杂种克隆的DBH明显大于亲本物种的对照种子田。在Long Thanh,杂种克隆和A. mangium的DBH相似,经过遗传改良的A. mangium种子场表现出最好的DBH。金合欢杂种无性系在胸部高度的平均木材基本密度在8岁时的Yen Thanh为539 kg m(-3),在5岁时的Long Thanh为473 kg m(-3)。 Long Thanh的A. mangium密度仅略低于461 kg m(-3)的杂种克隆。乳房高度上的Pilodyn针入度(PP)对木材基本密度的线性回归解释,Yen Thanh的处理(克隆和对照种田)密度的变化为60%,Long Thanh的变化为36%。在所有三个试验位点,PP中的杂种克隆之间存在显着差异。在三个试验地点之间,克隆DBH的表现没有强烈的相关性。位点对之间克隆平均DBH的Pearson相关性介于-0.47至0.20之间。 PP的克隆排名更为稳定,位点对之间的Pearson相关性介于r = 0.71至0.78之间。



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