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Germination and storage characteristics of Prunus africana seeds


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Prunus africana, from the moist highlands of sub-Saharan Africa, is subject to great exploitation because its bark is used in the treatment of prostate-related diseases. A better understanding of the biology of its seed could help the ex situ and in situ conservation of the species. Fifty per cent of fresh seeds (46.8% MC) from mature purple fruits harvested in Kenya germinated after 10 days incubation at 25degreesC. The germination rate was linearly related to constant temperature, giving a prediction for the minimum temperature for germination at ca. 0.6degreesC. All seeds germinated at 5degreesC during 4 months fully hydrated storage. P. africana seed is, thus, neither dormant nor chilling sensitive. The relationship between equilibrium moisture content and relative humidity was used to construct a sorption isotherm, against which seed desiccation and storage responses were assessed. Seventy six per cent of mature seeds survived drying to 4.5% MC (22% RH) compared to 17% of seeds from immature purple-green fruits. Although, 25-45% of mature seeds survived at 8-12% MC after 2 months, only 10% remained viable after 6-month storage at 5degreesC. This study proposes optimum conditions for the artificial regeneration of P. africana seeds and highlights the need for further experiments storing dry seeds at sub-zero temperatures.
机译:来自非洲撒哈拉以南湿地的非洲李(Prunus africana)由于其树皮被用于治疗前列腺相关疾病而受到极大的开发。更好地了解其种子的生物学特性可能有助于该物种的迁地保护和就地保护。 25°C孵育10天后,从肯尼亚收获的成熟紫色果实中收获的50%新鲜种子(46.8%MC)发芽。萌发率与恒温呈线性关系,可预测约200℃的最低发芽温度。 0.6摄氏度在4个月的完全水合贮藏中,所有种子在5℃发芽。因此,非洲假单胞菌种子既不休眠也不对寒冷敏感。使用平衡水分含量和相对湿度之间的关系来构建吸附等温线,以此评估种子的干燥和储存反应。 76%的成熟种子能够幸存至4.5%MC(22%RH)的干燥状态,而未成熟的紫绿色水果中只有17%的种子干燥。尽管在2个月后有25-45%的成熟种子在8-12%的MC下存活,但在5℃储存6个月后仍然只有10%保持活力。这项研究提出了人工更新非洲假单胞菌种子的最佳条件,并强调了需要进行进一步实验以将干燥种子储存在零度以下的条件。



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