首页> 外文期刊>Neurobiology of Aging: Experimental and Clinical Research >Vitamin K status and cognitive function in healthy older adults

Vitamin K status and cognitive function in healthy older adults


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Evidence is accumulating that vitamin K could have a role in cognition, especially in aging. Using data from the Québec Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Successful Aging (NuAge), a cross-sectional analysis was conducted to examine the associations between vitamin K status, measured as serum phylloquinone concentrations, and performance in verbal and non-verbal episodic memory, executive functions, and speed of processing. The sample included 320 men and women aged 70 to 85 years who were free of cognitive impairment. After adjustment for covariates, higher serum phylloquinone concentration (log-transformed) was associated with better verbal episodic memory performances (F= 2.43, p= 0.048); specifically with the scores (Z-transformed) on the second (β= 0.47; 95% confidence interval [CI]= 0.13-0.82), third (β= 0.41; 95% CI= 0.06-0.75), and 20-minute delayed (β= 0.47; 95% CI= 0.12-0.82) free recall trials of the RL/RI-16 Free and Cued Recall Task. No associations were found with non-verbal episodic memory, executive functions, and speed of processing. Our study adds evidence to the possible role of vitamin K in cognition during aging, specifically in the consolidation of the memory trace.
机译:越来越多的证据表明维生素K可能与认知有关,尤其是在衰老中。使用魁北克营养与成功老龄化纵向研究(NuAge)的数据,进行横断面分析,以检查维生素K状况(以血清叶醌浓度测量)与言语和非言语情景记忆表现之间的关联,功能和处理速度。样本包括320名年龄在70至85岁之间的无认知障碍的男女。调整协变量后,较高的血清叶醌浓度(对数转化)与较好的言语情节记忆表现有关(F = 2.43,p = 0.048);特别是第二个(β= 0.47; 95%置信区间[CI] = 0.13-0.82),第三个(β= 0.41; 95%CI = 0.06-0.75)和20分钟延迟的分数(Z转换) (β= 0.47; 95%CI = 0.12-0.82)的RL / RI-16自由和提示召回任务的自由召回试验。没有发现与非语言情节记忆,执行功能和处理速度有关。我们的研究为维生素K在衰老过程中的认知中可能发挥的作用提供了证据,特别是在记忆痕迹的巩固中。



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