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Task-related activity in prefrontal cortex and its relation to recognition memory performance in young and old adults.


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Older adults often have more widespread prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation during memory retrieval tasks, compared to young adults, particularly in the left hemisphere. Recruitment of additional frontal activity in older adults has been attributed by some researchers to compensation, perhaps for reduced activity elsewhere in the brain, whereas others have described it as a non-selective response that may be due to a failure to inhibit these PFC regions. To address further the impact of PFC activity on memory in older adults, we used PET to measure brain activity during recognition memory tasks. Both young and old adults showed increased activity during recognition, compared to a control task, in bilateral PFC. Young adults showed greater activation of left hippocampus and lateral temporal cortex during recognition, whereas older adults showed greater activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus. Age differences also were seen in correlations between brain activity and memory performance. There were positive correlations between activity in the right parahippocampal gyrus and recognition performance in young adults, whereas positive correlations between activity in PFC and performance were found only in older adults. These positive correlations included the right inferior PFC region where older adults had greater activation. Activity in this right PFC region was negatively correlated with medial temporal activity in both groups. These results provide further evidence for age-specific patterns of brain activity underlying memory performance and are consistent with the idea that PFC assumes a larger role in supporting successful recognition memory with increasing age. The negative correlation between activity in PFC and medial temporal regions, as well as the age differences in how these regions were related to behavior, suggest that those older individuals who recruit PFC to a greater degree may do so as a compensatory response to reductions in medial temporal regions.
机译:与年轻人相比,年龄较大的成年人在记忆检索任务期间通常具有更广泛的前额叶皮层(PFC)激活,尤其是在左半球。一些研究人员将补充老年人额叶活动的原因归结为补偿,也许是因为大脑其他部位的活动减少所致,而另一些人则将其描述为非选择性反应,这可能是由于未能抑制这些PFC区域所致。为了进一步解决PFC活动对老年人记忆的影响,我们使用PET来测量识别记忆任务中的大脑活动。与控制任务相比,双边PFC的年轻人和老年人在识别过程中均表现出增加的活动。年轻人在识别过程中表现出更大的左海马体和外侧颞皮质激活,而成年人则表现出在右下额回中更大的活动。在大脑活动与记忆力之间的相关性中也发现了年龄差异。右侧海马旁回的活动与年轻人的识别能力之间存在正相关,而PFC的活动与性能之间的正相关仅在老年人中存在。这些正相关包括老年人的右侧PFC区域的激活程度更高。两组右侧PFC区域的活动与颞内侧活动负相关。这些结果为记忆功能背后特定年龄的大脑活动模式提供了进一步的证据,并且与PFC在支持随年龄增长的成功识别记​​忆中起更大作用的观点一致。 PFC和颞内侧区域的活动之间的负相关性,以及这些区域与行为之间的年龄差异,表明那些较大程度地招募PFC的老年人可以作为对内侧减少的补偿性反应颞区。



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