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Provenance variation in growth characters of four subtropical pine species planted in Mexico.


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In 1995 a species/provenance test was established in the state of Puebla, Mexico to assess and compare the growth of Pinus greggii var. australis, P. maximinoi, P. patula and P. tecunumanii, including 10, 5, 11 and 4 provenances of each species, respectively. Each provenance test lot consisted of seed from 7 to 10 individual trees collected in natural stands. Range-wide samples were included in the test for P. greggii var. australis and P. patula. Material of P. maximinoi and P. tecunumanii from Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, as well as Mexico was established in the test. The test site is in a mountainous area at 1440 m elevation, near 20 degrees N latitude. At 5 years of age significant differences were seen at both the species and provenance levels in survival, total height, diameter and volume. The overall test survival was 93%. Variance among species was three time greater than among provenances, comprising 25-33% of the total variation. P. maximinoi had the greatest height, diameter and volume (62 dm3) followed by P. tecunumanii (53 dm3). P. greggii var. australis had an average volume of 43 dm3 and P. patula produced 30 dm3. Although P. maximinoi had the lowest survival rate, the San Jeronimo provenance was the most productive of all 30 provenances tested; 98% survival and 73 dm3 volume. This was equivalent to 2.8 cm annual diameter increment and 2 m in height growth per year. Significant growth differences among provenances within species indicate that potential gain exists using provenance selection.
机译:1995年,在墨西哥的普埃布拉州建立了一个物种/种源测试,以评估和比较松木的生长。 australis,P。maximinoi,P。patula和P. tecunumanii,分别包括每种物种的10、5、11和4种起源。每个物源测试批次均包含从自然林中收集的7至10棵单独的树木的种子。 P. greggii var的测试中包括范围广泛的样品。澳洲和P. patula。在测试中建立了来自危地马拉,洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜以及墨西哥的Max。P. maximinoi和P. tecunumanii的材料。测试地点位于海拔1440 m,北纬20度附近的山区。在5岁时,在物种,出处,存活率,总高度,直径和体积上均存在显着差异。总体测试存活率为93%。物种之间的差异是种源之间的三倍,占总变异的25-33%。最大的P. maximinoi的高度,直径和体积最大(62 dm3),其次是tec。umuninoanii(53 dm3)。格氏对虾南极平均体积为43 dm3,pat假单胞菌的平均体积为30 dm3。尽管最大疟原虫的成活率最低,但圣热罗尼莫血统在所有30种血统中生产力最高。 98%的存活率和73 dm3的体积。这相当于每年直径增加2.8 cm,高度每年增加2 m。种内种源之间的显着生长差异表明,使用种源选择存在潜在的收益。



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