首页> 外文期刊>Neurophysiology >Indices of Coherence of EEG Rhythms in the Course of Cognitive Activity as Markers of Creative Thinking: Gender Specificity

Indices of Coherence of EEG Rhythms in the Course of Cognitive Activity as Markers of Creative Thinking: Gender Specificity


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According to the results of psychological testing, persons aged 18 to 21 years were divided into four groups, women and men with low and high productivity of divergent (creative, nonroutine) thinking (n = = 18 to 23). Results of EEG recording (19 leads) were used for calculation of the coherence coefficients for oscillations of the delta, theta, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, beta, and gamma frequencies in lead pairs and estimation of integral indices of coherence within the anterior and posterior cortical regions and between these zones (interaction coefficients, IC1-IC3, respectively). EEG was recorded in the resting state and in the course of resolving convergent- and divergent-type cognitive test tasks. It was found that, during the performance of tests of both types, men with a higher productivity of divergent thinking demonstrated significantly higher values of IC1 (that characterizes the coherence in associative linkages within the anterior cortex) for oscillations of all EEG frequency ranges compared with the respective estimates for "low-creative" men. Similar increments were typical of the IC2 values for low- and midfrequency EEG rhythms (delta, theta, and alpha). At the same time, values of the "interregional" IC3 for theta, beta, and gamma activity in "high-creativity" men were significantly lower. In women of both groups (low and high creativity), such specificity of the IC1-IC3 patterns was practically not observed, i.e., the respective aspect demonstrated clear gender specificity. The sex of the subjects and type of the performed cognitive tests could not be considered factors significantly affecting the calculated absolute IC values. The observed specificities of integral coherence indices are probably associated with different strategies of the performance of cognitive tasks in men and women. Our findings allow us to believe that the above interrelations between integrated coherence indices can be used as EEG markers of high productivity of divergent thinking in men. The more flexible strategies of thinking in women are probably related to more variable neurophysiological cortical mechanisms (compared with those in men), and this type of organization is not clearly reflected in the pattern of intracortical interactions estimated by coherence indices.
机译:根据心理测验的结果,将18至21岁的人分为四类,即具有低(和高)发散(创造性,非常规)思维能力的男女(n = 18至23)。脑电图记录的结果(19条导联)用于计算导联对中δ,θ,alpha1,alpha2,alpha3,β和γ频率的振荡的相干系数,并估算前后的相干积分指数皮层区域和这些区域之间(相互作用系数分别为IC1-IC3)。脑电图记录在静止状态和解决收敛型和发散型认知测试任务的过程中。研究发现,在两种类型的测试中,发散性思维效率较高的男性对于所有EEG频率范围的振荡,均表现出较高的IC1值(表征前皮层内相关联的连贯性)。对“低创造力”男性的估计。类似的增量是低频和中频EEG节奏的IC2值的典型增量(δ,θ和α)。同时,“高创造力”男性中theta,β和γ活性的“区域间” IC3值明显较低。在两组(低创造力和高创造力)女性中,实际上都未观察到IC1-IC3模式的这种特异性,即各个方面都表现出明显的性别特异性。受试者的性别和进行的认知测验的类型不能视为显着影响所计算的绝对IC值的因素。观察到的整体一致性指数的特异性可能与男女认知任务执行的不同策略有关。我们的发现使我们相信,综合连贯指数之间的上述相互关系可以用作男性发散性思维高生产率的脑电标志。女性更灵活的思维策略可能与更多的神经生理皮层机制(与男性相比)有关,并且这种类型的组织方式没有清楚地反映在由相干指数估计的皮层内相互作用模式中。



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