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On testing the equality of high dimensional mean vectors with unequal covariance matrices


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In this article, we focus on the problem of testing the equality of several high dimensional mean vectors with unequal covariance matrices. This is one of the most important problems in multivariate statistical analysis and there have been various tests proposed in the literature. Motivated by Bai and Saranadasa (Stat Sin 6:311-329, 1996) and Chen and Qin (Ann Stat 38:808-835, 2010), we introduce a test statistic and derive the asymptotic distributions under the null and the alternative hypothesis. In addition, it is compared with a test statistic recently proposed by Srivastava and Kubokawa (J Multivar Anal 115:204-216, 2013). It is shown that our test statistic performs better especially in the large dimensional case.
机译:在本文中,我们重点讨论测试具有不相等协方差矩阵的几个高维平均向量的相等性问题。这是多元统计分析中最重要的问题之一,文献中提出了各种检验方法。在 Bai 和 Saranadasa (Stat Sin 6:311-329, 1996) 以及 Chen 和 Qin (Ann Stat 38:808-835, 2010) 的启发下,我们引入了检验统计量,并推导了零假设和备择假设下的渐近分布。此外,它还与Srivastava和Kubokawa最近提出的检验统计量进行了比较(J Multivar Anal 115:204-216,2013)。结果表明,我们的检验统计量表现更好,尤其是在大维情况下。



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