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'Storms of crustal stress' and AE earthquake precursors


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Acoustic emission (AE) displays violent paroxysms preceding strong earthquakes, observed within some large area (several hundred kilometres wide) around the epicentre. We call them "storms of crustal stress" or, briefly "crustal storms". A few case histories are discussed, all dealing with the Italian peninsula, and with the different behaviour shown by the AE records in the Cephalonia island (Greece), which is characterized by a different tectonic setting. AE is an effective tool for diagnosing the state of some wide slab of the Earth's crust, and for monitoring its evolution, by means of AE of different frequencies. The same effect ought to be detected being time-delayed, when referring to progressively lower frequencies. This results to be an effective check for validating the physical interpretation. Unlike a seismic event, which involves a much limited focal volume and therefore affects a restricted area on the Earth's surface, a "crustal storm" typically involves some large slab of lithosphere and crust. In general, it cannot be easily reckoned to any specific seismic event. An earthquake responds to strictly local rheological features of the crust, which are eventually activated, and become crucial, on the occasion of a "crustal storm". A "crustal storm" lasts typically few years, eventually involving several destructive earthquakes that hit at different times, at different sites, within that given lithospheric slab.Concerning the case histories that are here discussed, the lithospheric slab is identified with the Italian peninsula. During 1996-1997 a "crustal storm" was on, maybe elapsing until 2002 (we lack information for the period 1998-2001). Then, a quiet period occurred from 2002 until 26 May 2008, when a new "crustal storm" started, and by the end of 2009 it is still on. During the 1996-1997 "storm" two strong earthquakes occurred (Potenza and Colfiorito) and (maybe) in 2002 also the Molise earthquake can be reckoned to this "storm". During the "storm", started in 2008, the l'Aquila earthquake occurred. Additional logical analysis envisages the possibility of distinguishing some kind of "elementary" constituents of a "crustal storm", which can be briefly called "crustal substorms". The concept of "storm" and "substorm" is a common logical aspect, which is shared by several phenomena, depending on their common intrinsic and primary logical properties that can be called lognormality and fractality. Compared to a "crustal storm", a "crustal substorm" is likely to be reckoned to some specific seismic event. Owing to brevity purposes, however, the discussion of "substorms" is given elsewhere. AE is an effective tool for monitoring these phenomena, and other processes that are ongoing within the crust. Eventually they result to be precursors of some more or less violent earthquake. It should be stressed, however, that the target of AE monitoring is diagnosing the Earth's crust. In contrast, earthquake prediction implies a much different perspective, which makes sense only by means of more detailed multiparametric monitoring. An AE array can provide real physical information only about the processes that are objectively ongoing inside different and contiguous large slabs of the crust. The purpose is to monitor the stress propagation that crosses different regions, in order to envisage where and when it can eventually trigger a catastrophe of the system. The conclusion is that continental or planetary scale arrays of AE monitoring stations, which record a few different AE frequencies, appear to be the likely first step for diagnosing the evolution of local structures preceding an earthquake. On the other hand, as it is well known, the magnitude of the shock is to be related to the elastic energy stored in the focal volume, rather than to the trigger that starts it.
机译:在震中周围一些大区域(几百公里宽)内观察到,强震前的声发射(AE)显示出强烈的阵发性。我们称它们为“地壳应力风暴”,或简称为“地壳风暴”。讨论了一些案例历史,全部涉及意大利半岛,以及凯法利尼亚岛(希腊)的AE记录显示的不同行为,该岛的特征是构造环境不同。 AE是一种有效的工具,可通过不同频率的AE诊断地壳的某些宽厚板的状态,并监测其演化。当指的是逐渐降低的频率时,应该检测到相同的效果是时间延迟的。结果是对验证物理解释的有效检查。与地震事件所涉及的焦点空间非常有限,因此会影响地球表面的有限区域不同,“地壳风暴”通常涉及一些较大的岩石圈和地壳。通常,对于任何特定的地震事件,它都不容易被推算出来。地震严格响应着地壳的局部流变特性,在“地壳风暴”之际,地壳的流变特性最终被激活并变得至关重要。 “地壳风暴”通常持续数年,最终涉及在给定的岩石圈平板内不同时间,不同地点发生的几次破坏性地震。关于此处讨论的案例历史,岩石圈平板在意大利半岛被识别出来。在1996-1997年期间,一场“地壳风暴”一直在持续,直到2002年为止(我们缺乏1998-2001年期间的信息)。然后,从2002年到2008年5月26日,出现了一个安静的时期,当时又发生了一次新的“地壳风暴”,到2009年底仍在继续。在1996-1997年的“风暴”中,发生了两次强烈地震(波坦察和科菲奥里托),(也许)在2002年,莫利塞地震也被认为是这次“风暴”。在2008年开始的“风暴”中,拉奎拉地震发生了。附加的逻辑分析设想有可能区分“地壳风暴”的某种“基本”组成部分,可以将其简称为“地壳亚风暴”。 “风暴”和“亚风暴”的概念是一个常见的逻辑方面,由几种现象共享,这取决于它们共同的内在和主要逻辑特性,这些特性可以称为对数正态性和分形性。与“地壳风暴”相比,“地壳亚风暴”可能被认为是某些特定的地震事件。然而,出于简洁的目的,“亚暴”的讨论在其他地方进行。 AE是监视这些现象以及地壳中正在进行的其他过程的有效工具。最终,它们成为或多或少剧烈地震的先兆。但是,应该强调的是,AE监视的目标是诊断地壳。相比之下,地震预测意味着截然不同的观点,只有通过更详细的多参数监视才有意义。 AE阵列只能提供有关在不同连续的地壳内部客观地进行的过程的真实物理信息。目的是监视跨不同区域的应力传播,以设想最终可能在何时何地引发系统灾难。结论是,记录了几个不同AE频率的AE监测站的大陆或行星尺度阵列似乎是诊断地震前局部结构演变的可能的第一步。另一方面,众所周知,电击的大小与存储在焦点体积中的弹性能量有关,而不是与触发它的触发器有关。



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