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The study of past damaging hydrogeological events for damage susceptibility zonation


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Damaging Hydrogeological Events are defined as periods during which phenomena, such as landslides, floods and secondary floods, cause damage to people and the environment. A Damaging Hydrogeological Event which heavily damaged Calabria (Southern Italy) between December 1972, and January 1973, has been used to test a procedure to be utilised in the zonation of a province according to damage susceptibility during DHEs. In particular, we analyzed the province of Catanzaro (2391 km(2)), an administrative district composed of 80 municipalities, with about 370 000 inhabitants. Damage, defined in relation to the reimbursement requests sent to the Department of Public Works, has been quantified using a procedure based on a Local Damage Index. The latter, representing classified losses, has been obtained by multiplying the value of the damaged element and the percentage of damage affecting it. Rainfall has been described by the Maximum Return Period of cumulative rainfall, for both short (1, 3, 5, 7, 10 consecutive days) and long duration (30, 60, 90, 180 consecutive days), recorded during the event. Damage index and population density, presumed to represent the location of vulnerable elements, have been referred to Thiessen polygons associated to rain gauges working at the time of the event. The procedure allowed us to carry out a preliminary classification of the polygons composing the province according to their susceptibility to damage during DHEs. In high susceptibility polygons, severe damage occurs during rainfall characterised by low return periods; in medium susceptibility polygons maximum return period rainfall and induced damage show equal levels of exceptionality; in low susceptibility polygons, high return period rainfall induces a low level of damage. The east and west sectors of the province show the highest susceptibility, while polygons of the N-NE sector show the lowest susceptibility levels, on account of both the low population density and high average rainfall characterizing these mountainous areas. The future analysis of further DHEs, using the tested procedure, can strengthen the obtained zonation. Afterwards, the results can prove useful in establishing civil defence plans, emergency management, and prioritizing hazard mitigation measures.
机译:破坏性的水文地质事件被定义为滑坡,洪水和二次洪水等现象对人和环境造成破坏的时期。 1972年12月至1973年1月之间严重破坏卡拉布里亚(意大利南部)的一次破坏性水文地质事件已被用来根据DHE期间的破坏易感性来测试要在一个省分区中使用的程序。特别是,我们分析了卡坦扎罗省(2391 km(2)),这是一个由80个城市组成的行政区,约有370 000居民。根据发送给公共工程部的补偿要求定义的损害已使用基于本地损害指数的程序进行了量化。后者是分类损失,是通过将损坏元素的值与影响该元素的损坏百分比相乘而获得的。活动期间记录的短期(连续1、3、5、7、10天)和长时间(连续30、60、90、180天)的累积降雨最大返回期描述了降雨。假定代表易受伤害元素的位置的破坏指数和人口密度被称为与事件发生时的雨量计相关的蒂森多边形。该程序使我们能够根据DHE期间易损性对组成该省的多边形进行初步分类。在高磁化率多边形中,降雨期间会出现严重的破坏,其特征是返回期很短。在中等磁化率多边形中,最大返回期降雨和诱发破坏表现出同等的例外水平;在低磁化率多边形中,高返回期降雨会导致较低程度的破坏。该省东部和西部地区的磁化率最高,而N-NE部门的多边形磁化率最低,这是由于这些山区的人口密度低和平均降雨量高。使用测试程序对未来的DHE进行进一步的分析,可以加强获得的分区。之后,结果可以证明对建立民防计划,应急管理和减轻危害措施的优先级很有用。



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