首页> 外文期刊>Natural Hazards >Comparison of risk from pyroclastic density current hazards to critical infrastructure in Mammoth Lakes, California, USA, from a new Inyo craters rhyolite dike eruption versus a dacitic dome eruption on Mammoth Mountain

Comparison of risk from pyroclastic density current hazards to critical infrastructure in Mammoth Lakes, California, USA, from a new Inyo craters rhyolite dike eruption versus a dacitic dome eruption on Mammoth Mountain


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Renewed volcanic activity near Mammoth Lakes, California, in the form of dome-collapse pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) from either a new eruption at Mammoth Mountain or the Inyo craters would pose a significant hazard to critical infrastructure there. This paper compares the risk from PDC impact hazards upon selected critical infrastructure from: (1) a 100m tall dacite dome on Mammoth Mountain and (2) three 200m tall rhyolite domes at the southern end of the Inyo craters. For each scenario, maximum estimated dynamic pressure and velocity from two PDC volumes (10 super(6) and 10 super(7)m super(3) ) are modeled with the EXPLORIS PDC software (Toyos etal. Nat Hazards 41(1):99-112, 2007). Risk to critical infrastructure from Mammoth Mountain PDCs would be much greater than the Inyo PDCs because of both location and the greater kinetic energy of the Mammoth PDC material, providing comparative insight to planners should a real eruption at one location or the other be forthcoming.
机译:加利福尼亚猛Mountain湖附近的火山活动以圆顶塌陷的火山碎屑密度流(PDC)的形式重新出现,火山爆发来自猛mm山的一次新喷发或因约火山口,会对那里的关键基础设施造成重大危害。本文比较了以下选定的关键基础设施上的PDC撞击危险的风险:(1)猛mm山上的一个100m高的c石圆顶和(2)Inyo火山口南端的三个200m的流纹岩圆顶。对于每种情况,使用EXPLORIS PDC软件(Toyos等人,Nat Hazards 41(1))对来自两个PDC体积(10 super(6)和10 super(7)m super(3))的最大估计动压力和速度进行建模。 99-112,2007)。猛location山脉PDC的关键基础设施面临的风险将比Inyo PDC大得多,这是因为位置和猛P象PDC材料的动能都更大,如果在一个地点或另一个地点发生真正的喷发,则可以为规划人员提供比较见识。



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