首页> 外文期刊>Biological invasions >Declines in a ground-dwelling arthropod community during an invasion by Sahara mustard (Brassica tournefortii) in aeolian sand habitats

Declines in a ground-dwelling arthropod community during an invasion by Sahara mustard (Brassica tournefortii) in aeolian sand habitats

机译:撒哈拉芥末(Brassica tournefortii)在风沙栖息地中入侵期间,一个地面节肢动物群落的数量下降

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Sahara Mustard (Brassica tournefortii; hereafter mustard), an exotic plant species, has invaded habitats throughout the arid southwestern United States. Mustard has reached high densities across aeolian sand habitats of southwestern deserts, including five distinct sand habitats in the eastern Coachella Valley, California. We examined trends in ground-dwelling arthropod community structure concurrent with mustard invasion in 90 plots within those habitats from 2003 to 2011 (n = 773 plot-years). We expected arthropod communities to respond negatively to mustard invasion because previous work documented significant negative impacts of mustard on diversity and biomass of native plants, the primary resource base for many of the arthropods. Arthropod abundance and species richness declined during the study period while mustard cover increased, and arthropod metrics were negatively related to mustard cover across all plots. When controlling for non-target environmental correlates (e.g. perennial frequency and precipitation) and for potential factors that we suspected of mediating mustard effects (e.g. native cover and sand compaction), negative relationships with mustard remained statistically supported. Nevertheless, arthropod richness's relationship decreased slightly in strength and significance suggesting that mechanistic pathways may be both direct (via habitat structure) and indirect (via native cover suppression and sand compaction). However, mechanistic pathways for mustard effects, particularly on arthropod abundance, remain unclear. Most arthropod taxa, including most detritivores, decreased through time and were negatively related to mustard cover. In contrast, many predators were positively related to mustard. In total, our study provides substantial evidence for a negative effect of Sahara mustard on the structure of a ground-dwelling arthropod community.
机译:撒哈拉芥末(Brassica tournefortii;以下称芥末)是一种外来植物,已入侵美国西南干旱地区的生境。芥末在西南沙漠的风沙栖息地中已达到高密度,其中包括加利福尼亚州科切拉山谷东部的五个截然不同的沙生境。我们研究了2003年至2011年在这些生境中的90个样地中地面节肢动物群落结构与芥子入侵的趋势(n = 773个样年)。我们希望节肢动物群落对芥菜的入侵有负面反应,因为先前的研究表明芥菜对本地植物的多样性和生物量具有重大的负面影响,而天然植物是许多节肢动物的主要资源基础。在研究期间,节肢动物的丰度和物种丰富度下降,而芥菜覆盖率增加,而在所有样地中,节肢动物指标与芥菜覆盖率均呈负相关。当控制非目标环境相关因素(例如多年生频率和降水)以及控制我们怀疑介导芥末效应的潜在因素(例如原生覆盖和沙土压实)时,与芥末的负相关关系仍在统计学上得到支持。然而,节肢动物丰富度的关系在强度和重要性上略有下降,这表明机制途径可能是直接的(通过生境结构)和间接的(通过自然覆盖抑制和压实沙土)。但是,对于芥末效应,特别是对节肢动物数量的影响,其机理途径尚不清楚。大多数节肢动物类群,包括大多数有害生物,都随着时间的流逝而减少,并且与芥末覆盖率呈负相关。相反,许多捕食者与芥末呈正相关。总体而言,我们的研究为撒哈拉芥末对地面节肢动物群落结构的负面影响提供了大量证据。



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