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Innovation and evolution at the edge: origins and fates of gastropods witha labral tooth [Review]


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I combined data from the taxonomy, phylogeny, functional morphology, biogeography, and fossil record of gastropods to probe the origins, distribution, and fates of predatory gastropod clades characterized by the presence of a labral tooth, a downwardly projecting tooth or spine formed at the edge of the outer lip of the shell. A labral tooth occurs in at least 608 species, of which 251 are Recent. Studies of the type and position of the labral tooth, along with other characters, indicate that the labral tooth has evolved independently at least 58 times, beginning in the Campanian epoch of the late Cretaceous. The labral tooth plays a more or less active part in predation on relatively large prey animals that are protected by a hard skeleton. In the Recent fauna, tooth-bearing species are overwhelmingly warm-temperate to tropical in distribution (240 of 251 species; 96%. Within Muricidae (excluding Coralliophilinae), however, there is no discernible latitudinal gradient in the number of tooth-bearing species relative to total regional diversity. First appearances of clades with a labral tooth are overwhelmingly concentrated in the late Oligocene to Pleistocene interval, with the largest number appearing during the early Miocene (12 clades). The temporal pattern differs significantly from that expected on the basis of the number of faunas available per time interval, and is therefore not an artifact of sampling or fossil preservation. The most consistent factor associated with, and permitting the repeated evolution of, the labral tooth is high planktonic primary productivity. Two factors may account for the link between primary productivity and the evolution of labral teeth: (1) the general economic opportunity afforded by ready availability of an access to nutrients, and (2) the greater abundance and sizes range of available suspension-feeding prey animals. Incumbency-the presence of already well-adapted species-often controls evolutionary opportunity. The complementary distributions of major tooth-bearing clades in many parts of the world point to the role of well-adapted incumbents in limiting the adaptive exploration by other clades that could in principle evolve a labral tooth. The elimination of incumbents by extinction, however, does not provide opportunities for other clades to fill the adaptive void.
机译:我结合了腹足类动物的分类学,系统发育,功能形态学,生物地理学和化石记录的数据,以探查掠食性腹足类动物进化枝的起源,分布和命运,其特征是存在唇齿,向下突出的牙齿或脊柱形成。外壳外缘的边缘。唇齿至少有608种,其中251种是最近的。对唇齿的类型和位置以及其他特征的研究表明,从白垩纪晚期的Campanian时代开始,唇齿至少独立地进化了58次。在相对较大的被坚硬骨骼保护的猎物动物中,唇齿在捕食中或多或少地起作用。在最近的动物区系中,含牙齿的物种绝大多数是温带至热带(251个物种中的240个; 96%。)在Muricidae(不包括Coralliophilinae)中,含齿物种的数量没有明显的纬度梯度。相对于总的区域多样性,带有唇齿的进化枝的出现主要集中在渐新世至更新世的晚期,最大的数量出现在中新世早期(12进化枝),其时间模式与在此基础上预期的明显不同。时间间隔内可用动物区系的数量,因此不是取样或化石保存的产物,与唇齿有关并允许其反复进化的最一致的因素是浮游生物的初级生产力高,这可能是两个因素造成的初级生产力与唇齿演化之间的联系:(1)r提供的一般经济机会迅速获取营养;(2)可用悬浮饲料喂养的猎物动物的丰度和大小范围更大。在位(已经适应的物种的存在)通常控制着进化的机会。在世界许多地方,主要的含牙齿进化枝的互补分布表明,适应性强的现成分子在限制其他可以从理论上进化出唇齿的进化枝进行适应性探索的作用。然而,通过灭绝消除任职者并不能为其他进化枝填补适应性空白提供机会。



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