首页> 外文期刊>Nematology >Micro-plot evaluation of the yield reduction potential of Pratylenchus coffeae, Helicotylenchus multicinctus and Meloidogyne javanica on plantain cv. Apantu-pa (Musa spp., AAB-group) in Ghana.

Micro-plot evaluation of the yield reduction potential of Pratylenchus coffeae, Helicotylenchus multicinctus and Meloidogyne javanica on plantain cv. Apantu-pa (Musa spp., AAB-group) in Ghana.

机译:在车前草上的小样评价小菜蛾,多螺旋藻和爪哇甲虫的减产潜力。加纳的Apantu-pa(Musa spp。,AAB-group)。

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The damage potential of the plant-parasitic nematodes Pratylenchus coffeae, Helicotylenchus multicinctus and Meloidogyne javanica, was assessed on plantain (Musa spp., AAB-group) cv. Apantu-pa in microplots in Ghana. Hot water treated suckers, planted in 3 l plastic bags containing sterilised soil, were inoculated 1 month after planting with a single nematode species or a nematode species mixture; controls were not inoculated. The initial single species inocula consisted of 1000 or 10 000 nematodes per plant, whilst the initial species mixture inoculum consisted of 3000 nematodes of each nematode species per plant. Two months after planting, the suckers were transplanted into micro-plots (0.7 m3 concrete containers filled with sterilised soil). Inoculation of single species at either density resulted in lower (P<=0.05) bunch weights of the mother plants (between 23-33% lower) than the non-inoculated control plants, whilst bunch weights of plants inoculated with the species mixture were 18% lower (P<=0.05). Nematode damage indices (% dead roots, root necrosis and sucker corm lesions) were more severe in P. coffeae inoculated treatments. There was no difference between inoculated treatments and the control in plant growth parameters (days to flowering, number of standing leaves, height, girth, number of suckers) of the mother plant at flowering and harvest. Plant toppling occurred only in, and in all, treatments involving P. coffeae, with up to 60% of bunch-carrying plants toppled in the most affected treatment (inoculation of 10 000 nematodes per plant). Therefore, projected yields per ha were low in P. coffeae inoculated treatments: 41, 73 and 65% lower than the control for inoculation of 1000, 10 000 and 3000 (in species mixture) individuals, respectively. Inoculation with 10 000 H. multicinctus or M. javanica per plant resulted in yield losses of 26 and 30%, respectively. This study suggests that P. coffeae is likely to be the most important biotic constraint to plantain production in Ghana. Nematodes have been viewed as the major biotic constraint to plantain production in the country, and P. coffeae is the most widespread and abundant nematode species on plantain in Ghana. The results further demonstrate that H. multicinctus and M. javanica can cause considerable yield reduction in plantain.
机译:在车前草(Musa spp。,AAB-group)cv上评估了植物寄生线虫Pratylenchus coffeae,Helicotylenchus multicinctus和Meloidogyne javanica的潜在危害。加纳的微地盘中的Apantu-pa。播种后1个月,将经过热水处理的抽油器植入3升装有无菌土壤的塑料袋中,并用一种​​线虫或一种线虫混合物接种;没有接种对照。最初的单种接种物每株由1000或10000个线虫组成,而最初的种混合接种物则由每株每种线虫种的3000个线虫组成。种植后两个月,将抽油器移植到微孔(0.7 m3装有灭菌土壤的混凝土容器)中。在任一密度下接种单一物种,其母树的束重(未降低对照的植物的束重为18)比未接种的对照植物低(P <= 0.05)(降低23-33%)。降低%(P <= 0.05)。在接种咖啡杆菌的处理中,线虫损害指数(死根%,根坏死和抽油杆皮层损害)更为严重。接种处理与对照在开花和收获时母本植物的生长参数(开花天数,立叶数,高度,周长,吸盘数)之间没有差异。植物倒塌仅发生在所有涉及咖啡假单胞菌的处理中,在所有受影响的处理中,最受影响的处理中最多有60%的串束植物倒塌(每株接种1万根线虫)。因此,在接种P.coffeae的处理中,每公顷的预计单产较低:分别比接种1000、10000和3000(物种混合)个体的对照低41、73和65%。每株植株接种10000 H. multicinctus或M. javanica分别导致产量损失26%和30%。这项研究表明,咖啡菌可能是加纳车前草生产中最重要的生物限制因素。线虫被认为是该国车前草生产的主要生物限制因素,咖啡菌是加纳车前草中分布最广,数量最多的线虫。结果进一步证明,H。multicinctus和M. javanica可以导致车前草的大量减产。



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