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Is Carotid atherosclerosis epidemiology changed among Egyptians?


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In recent times, the health profile in the developing world has changed [1] and there are no accurate national estimates of the prevalence of atherosclerosis diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are now the main cause of death among Egyptians: in 1970 they accounted for 12.4% of all deaths, whereas 2 decades later they were responsible for 42.5% of the mortality [2]. The study by Abd Allah et al. [3] gives new and interesting information about carotid atherosclerosis epidemiology among a large cohort of 4,733 patients in Cairo who underwent extra-cranial carotid duplex scanning during a 5-year follow-up. This study enrolled a wide and unselected population of patients, as you can find in a common division of neurology, with the important advantage of generalizability. The authors found that atherosclerotic carotid artery disease (intima-media thickness and/or plaques) was present in 41% of the study population, but significant and clinically relevant stenosis was detected in only 2.5% of the symptomatic subjects. This study confirms that age, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking and dyslipidemia are independent predictors of carotid atherosclerotic disease.
机译:近年来,发展中国家的健康状况发生了变化[1],而全国尚无关于动脉粥样硬化疾病患病率的准确估计。如今,心血管疾病是埃及人的主要死亡原因:1970年,心血管疾病占所有死亡的12.4%,而20年后,心血管疾病占死亡率的42.5%[2]。 Abd Allah等人的研究。 [3]提供了一个新的有趣的信息,关于开罗的4,733例大型患者队列中的颈动脉粥样硬化流行病学,这些患者在5年的随访中接受了颅外颈动脉双重扫描。这项研究招募了广泛且未经选择的患者群体,正如您在神经病学的常见部门中所发现的那样,它具有可推广性的重要优势。作者发现,在41%的研究人群中存在动脉粥样硬化性颈动脉疾病(内膜中层厚度和/或斑块),但仅在2.5%的有症状受试者中发现了明显且与临床相关的狭窄。这项研究证实年龄,糖尿病,高血压,吸烟和血脂异常是颈动脉粥样硬化疾病的独立预测因子。



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