首页> 外文期刊>Neurobiology of learning and memory >Circadian modulation of conditioned place avoidance in hamsters does not require the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Circadian modulation of conditioned place avoidance in hamsters does not require the suprachiasmatic nucleus.


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Animals possess the ability to remember both the time of day as well as the location that noxious and potentially dangerous conditions occur. A behavioral expression of this learning is demonstrated in conditioned place avoidance (CPA). CPA is strongest when the time of testing matches the time of day that the prior training had occurred, suggesting the involvement of a circadian oscillator that modulates either memory retrieval or reactivity to the conditioned environment. In these experiments we show that time of day learning persists in the absence of the central circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), demonstrating that memory for time of day is implicit in context conditioning and may involve a circadian oscillator that is distinct from the SCN.
机译:动物具有记住一天中的时间以及发生有害和潜在危险状况的位置的能力。这种学习的行为表达已在条件避免场所(CPA)中得到证明。当测试时间与先前训练发生的时间相匹配时,CPA最强,这表明昼夜节律振荡器参与其中,该昼夜节律振荡器调节记忆检索或对条件环境的反应性。在这些实验中,我们表明,在视交叉上核(SCN)中不存在中央昼夜节律的情况下,一天中的学习持续存在,这表明一天中的时间记忆在上下文条件中是隐含的,并且可能涉及到一个不同于昼夜节律的昼夜节律振荡器。 SCN。



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