首页> 外文期刊>Carbonates And Evaporites >Geological methods applied to speleogenetical research in vertical caves: the example of Torca Teyera shaft (Picos de Europa, northern Spain)

Geological methods applied to speleogenetical research in vertical caves: the example of Torca Teyera shaft (Picos de Europa, northern Spain)

机译:在垂直洞穴中进行成岩研究的地质方法:Torca Teyera竖井实例(西班牙北部的Picos de Europa)

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Research in large vertical caves (shafts) is rare and usually restricted to speleological explorations because of difficult access. The systemic methodology of work in shafts has not been established. Picos de Europa massif, in the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain, has a spectacular development of shafts deeper than 500 m. One of them is Torca Teyera cave, which is 738 m deep and 4 km long. The present study established a methodology to characterize the geological and geomorphological aspects of this special group of caves and to identify the factors contributing to karst development. The research is multidisciplinary, needs data from the cave and the caves' surroundings and involves (1) the speleological cave survey at a 1:500 scale: the construction of a 3D model and morphometric analyses; (2) the geomorphological mapping on the cave survey at 1:500; (3) the geological and fracture mapping of the cave environment and cross section at 1:5.000; and (4) the comparison in stereographic projection of the obtained survey data and joint measures.
机译:大型垂直洞穴(竖井)的研究很少,并且由于难以进入而通常仅限于洞穴勘探。井筒工作的系统方法尚未建立。位于西班牙坎塔布连山脉的Picos de Europa地块,其竖井深度超过500 m的情况得到了惊人的发展。其中之一是Torca Teyera洞,深738 m,长4 km。本研究建立了一种方法来表征这个特殊洞穴群的地质和地貌特征,并确定导致岩溶发育的因素。该研究是多学科的,需要来自洞穴和洞穴周围环境的数据,并且涉及(1)以1:500的比例进行的洞穴洞穴调查:3D模型的构建和形态分析; (2)1:500洞穴勘测的地貌图; (3)洞穴环境和断面为1:5.000的地质和裂缝图; (4)比较所获得的调查数据和联合量度的立体投影。



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