首页> 外文期刊>Neurobiology of disease >Dietary DHA supplementation in an APP/PS1 transgenic rat model of AD reduces behavioral and A beta pathology and modulates A beta oligomerization

Dietary DHA supplementation in an APP/PS1 transgenic rat model of AD reduces behavioral and A beta pathology and modulates A beta oligomerization

机译:AD / APP / PS1转基因大鼠模型中的膳食DHA补充可减少行为和A beta病理并调节A beta寡聚

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Increased dietary consumption of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is associated with decreased risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). These effects have been postulated to arise from DHA's pleiotropic effects on AD pathophysiology, including its effects on beta-amyloid (A beta) production, aggregation, and toxicity. While in vitro studies suggest that DHA may inhibit and reverse the formation of toxic A beta oligomers, it remains uncertain whether these mechanisms operate in vivo at the physiological concentrations of DHA attainable through dietary supplementation. We sought to clarify the effects of dietary DHA supplementation on A beta indices in a transgenic APP/PS1 rat model of AD. Animals maintained on a DHA-supplemented diet exhibited reductions in hippocampal A beta plaque density and modest improvements on behavioral testing relative to those maintained on a DHA-depleted diet. However, DHA supplementation also increased overall soluble A beta oligomer levels in the hippocampus. Further quantification of specific conformational populations of A beta oligomers indicated that DHA supplementation increased fibrillar (i.e. putatively less toxic) A beta oligomers and decreased prefibrillar (i.e. putatively more toxic) A beta oligomers. These results provide in vivo evidence suggesting that DHA can modulate A beta aggregation by stabilizing soluble fibrillar A beta oligomers and thus reduce the formation of both A beta plaques and prefibrillar AS oligomers. However, since fibrillar A beta oligomers still retain inherent neurotoxicity, DHA may need to be combined with other interventions that can additionally reduce fibrillar A beta oligomer levels for more effective prevention of AD in clinical settings. Published by Elsevier Inc.
机译:饮食中二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)摄入量的增加与阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)的风险降低有关。推测这些作用是由于DHA对AD病理生理的多效性作用引起的,包括其对β-淀粉样蛋白(A beta)的产生,聚集和毒性的影响。尽管体外研究表明DHA可以抑制和逆转有毒的Aβ低聚物的形成,但尚不清楚这些机制是否在通过饮食补充可达到的DHA生理浓度下在体内起作用。我们试图阐明饮食中添加DHA对AD转基因APP / PS1大鼠模型中Aβ指数的影响。与缺乏DHA饮食的动物相比,维持DHA饮食的动物的海马Aβ斑块密度降低,行为测试得到适度的改善。但是,补充DHA也会增加海马中的总可溶性Aβ寡聚体水平。对Aβ低聚物的特定构象群体的进一步定量表明,DHA补充剂增加了原纤维(即毒性较低)的β低聚物,并降低了原纤维(即毒性较高)的β低聚物。这些结果提供了体内证据,表明DHA可以通过稳定可溶性原纤维Aβ低聚物来调节Aβ聚集,从而减少Aβ斑块和原纤维AS低聚物的形成。但是,由于原纤维Aβ低聚物仍保留固有的神经毒性,因此DHA可能需要与其他干预措施结合使用,这些干预措施可以另外降低原纤维Aβ低聚物水平,以便在临床环境中更有效地预防AD。由Elsevier Inc.发布



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