首页> 外文期刊>Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management >Impact of herbivory on mile-a-minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata) seed production and viability

Impact of herbivory on mile-a-minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata) seed production and viability

机译:草食对每分钟杂草(Persicaria perfoliata)种子产量和生存力的影响

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The monophagous weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) has been introduced into North America as a biological control agent for the invasive vine mile-a-minute weed, Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross. This weevil has been shown to reduce the percent cover of mile-a-minute and the number of seed clusters produced, as well as altering the phenology of seed production. However, prior work has not examined the potential impact of the weevil on seed viability and numbers of seeds per cluster. When both adult and larval weevils fed on whole plants in the greenhouse, seed production and fruit maturation were delayed and both the total number of seeds and number of seeds per cluster were reduced. Overall, weevils in greenhouse cages reduced the reproductive potential of P. perfoliata by 35%. When adult weevils were confined on developing seed clusters in the field, the number of seeds produced per cluster, the weight of seeds produced, and seed viability all decreased. Overall, the number of viable seeds per cluster was reduced by 37% in the presence of adult weevils. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that this biological control agent can have important impacts on the reproductive potential of its target weed through mechanisms that have not previously been shown
机译:单相象鼻象鼻Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev(鞘翅目:Curculionidae)已作为一种生物控制剂被引入北美,作为入侵性蔓延一分钟的蔓生杂草Persicaria perfoliata(L.)H. Gross。该象鼻虫已被证明可减少每分钟英里的覆盖率和产生的种子簇的数量,并改变种子生产的物候。但是,先前的工作尚未检查象鼻虫对种子活力和每簇种子数量的潜在影响。当成年和幼虫象鼻虫都以温室中的整株植物为食时,种子生产和果实成熟被延迟,种子总数和每簇种子数均减少。总体而言,大棚笼中的象鼻虫使百日草的繁殖潜力降低了35%。当成年象鼻虫局限于田间生长的种子簇时,每簇产生的种子数量,种子的重量和种子的生存力都下降了。总体而言,在成年象鼻虫的存在下,每簇可活种子的数量减少了37%。综上所述,这些发现表明该生物防治剂可通过以前未曾揭示的机制对其目标杂草的繁殖潜力产生重要影响。



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