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Reliability of ambulatory urodynamics in patients with spinal cord injuries


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Objective To determine the test-retest repeatability of the urodynamic parameters commonly utilized in ambulatory urodynamics (AM) for patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD). Methods A test-retest repeatability study was performed on 64 consecutive patients with stable spinal cord injuries who underwent two AM studies 24 hr apart. Results The mean age was 43.2 years, with 47 males and 17 females. A significant intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was found between the two studies with respect to the functional bladder capacity (FBC; 0.74), the maximum detrusor pressure during the involuntary detrusor contraction (PdetmaxIDC; 0.84), and the post-void residual (PVR; 0.76). Of note, the ICC of the end filling detrusor pressure (Pdetfill) was not significant (0.25). The correlation with respect to the presence of involuntary detrusor contraction (IDC) was significant but low (κ = 0.40). Based on the logistic regression analysis, the variables that influenced the concordance with respect to the presence of the IDC were PdetmaxIDC (directly) and Pdetmax (inversely). The variable that that influenced the concordance with respect to PdetmaxIDC was PVR (directly). The variable that influenced the concordance with respect to PVR was the FBC (directly). Conclusions AM is reliable for the reproduction of the main urodynamic parameters investigated in patients with NLUTD, except for the end filling detrusor pressure, which was a non-reliable parameter. The concordance of AM can be improved primarily by taking into account the values of the maximum detrusor pressure during involuntary detrusor contraction (PdetmaxIDC).
机译:目的确定神经源性下尿路功能障碍(NLUTD)患者动态尿路动力学(AM)中常用的尿路动力学参数的重测重复性。方法对64位连续稳定的脊髓损伤患者进行了一项重测重复性研究,这些患者相隔24小时进行了两次AM研究。结果平均年龄为43.2岁,男47例,女17例。在两项研究中,关于功能性膀胱容量(FBC; 0.74),非自愿性逼尿肌收缩期间的最大逼尿肌压力(PdetmaxIDC; 0.84)和无效后残留(PVR),发现显着的组内相关系数(ICC)。 ; 0.76)。值得注意的是,末尾逼尿肌压力(Pdetfill)的ICC不显着(0.25)。与非自愿逼尿肌收缩(IDC)的相关性显着但低(κ= 0.40)。根据逻辑回归分析,影响IDC存在一致性的变量为PdetmaxIDC(直接)和Pdetmax(反)。影响PdetmaxIDC一致性的变量是PVR(直接)。影响PVR一致性的变量是FBC(直接)。结论AM对于NLUTD患者所研究的主要尿动力学参数的再现是可靠的,但末梢逼尿肌压力是一个不可靠的参数。可以通过考虑非自愿逼尿肌收缩期间的最大逼尿肌压力值(PdetmaxIDC)来改善AM的一致性。



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