首页> 外文期刊>Neurourology and urodynamics. >Normal variation and influence of stress, caffeine intake, and sexual activity on uroflowmetry parameters of a middle-aged asymptomatic cohort of volunteer male urologists.

Normal variation and influence of stress, caffeine intake, and sexual activity on uroflowmetry parameters of a middle-aged asymptomatic cohort of volunteer male urologists.


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AIMS: To assess normal variations of uroflowmetry in middle-aged asymptomatic male urologists and to analyse the influence of stress, caffeine intake, and sexual activity. METHODS: Thirty-one male urologists from Quebec and Ontario were recruited for this study. All were healthy, not taking any current medications known to interfere with lower urinary tract function, and symptom-free (International Prostate Symptom Score less than 5). Each received two identical flowmeters to keep over a period of 2 weeks, one at home and one in his busiest office. Ten uroflow tracings, with a volume greater than 150 mL, were requested from each of them; five at home and five in the office. A total of 310 flows were analysed. The subjective level of stress, coffee intake, and sexual activity, in the hour before each uroflowmetrogram, was recorded, through a short self-administered questionnaire and stress visual scale. RESULTS: are presented as an average per individual. The voided volume was 331.9 mL, with an SD of 94.8 mL. The voiding time was 32.7 seconds (SD=15.5). The peak flow rate was 20.5 mL/sec (SD=3.9), the mean flow rate was 14.3 mL/sec (SD=3.0), and the time to maximum flow was 7.2 sec (SD=4.0). Subjective levels of stress did not significantly change these parameters. Uroflows were obtained with and without coffee drinking. The voided volume was 337.4 mL (SD=109.2) vs. 290.8 mL (SD=77.3) (P=0.03), and peak flow rate 19.4 mL/sec (SD=4.1) vs. 18.9 mL/sec (SD=3.1) (P=0.49), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Uroflowmetry parameters and voided volume are highly variable in a normal asymptomatic population. Subjective stress level does not seem to have an influence on these parameters. Coffee intake significantly increases the voided volume but does not change the peak flow rate. These conclusions should be considered when using uroflowmetry parameters as an outcome measure. Neurourol. Urodynam. 21:491-494, 2002. Copyright Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:目的:评估中年无症状男性泌尿科医师尿流仪的正常变化,并分析压力,咖啡因摄入和性活动的影响。方法:从魁北克省和安大略省招募了31名男性泌尿科医师进行这项研究。所有患者均健康,未服用任何已知会干扰下尿路功能且无症状的药物(国际前列腺症状评分小于5)。每个人都接收了两个相同的流量计,以保持2周的时间,其中一个在家里,另一个在他最繁忙的办公室。每个都要求十个尿流示踪剂,体积大于150 mL。家里五个,办公室五个。总共分析了310个流量。通过简短的自我管理问卷和压力视力表,记录每个尿流图前一小时的主观压力,咖啡摄入量和性活动水平。结果:表示为每个人的平均值。空隙体积为331.9mL,SD为94.8mL。排空时间为32.7秒(SD = 15.5)。峰值流速为20.5 mL / sec(SD = 3.9),平均流速为14.3 mL / sec(SD = 3.0),达到最大流速的时间为7.2 sec(SD = 4.0)。主观压力水平并没有显着改变这些参数。在喝咖啡和不喝咖啡的情况下获得尿流。空隙体积为337.4 mL(SD = 109.2)与290.8 mL(SD = 77.3)(P = 0.03),峰值流速为19.4 mL / sec(SD = 4.1)与18.9 mL / sec(SD = 3.1) (P = 0.49)。结论:在正常无症状人群中,尿流测定参数和无效体积变化很大。主观压力水平似乎对这些参数没有影响。咖啡的摄入量会显着增加排尿量,但不会改变峰值流速。当使用尿流参数作为结果测量时,应考虑这些结论。神经尿素。 Urodynam。 21:491-494,2002。版权所有Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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