首页> 外文期刊>Biological Journal of the Linnean Society >Cranial size and shape variation in Afrotropical Otomops (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Molossidae): testing species limits using a morphometric approach

Cranial size and shape variation in Afrotropical Otomops (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Molossidae): testing species limits using a morphometric approach


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The taxonomy of the Old World bat genus Otomops (Chiroptera: Molossidae) has been the subject of considerable debate. The failure of classical morphological studies to provide consistent patterns regarding interspecific relationships within Otomops has limited any understanding of the evolutionary history of the genus. We used traditional and geometric morphometric approaches to establish the species limits of taxa from sub-Saharan Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar. Morphometric data supported the recent recognition of three distinct Afrotropical taxa: Otomops madagascariensis from Madagascar; Otomops martiensseni s.s. from southern, eastern, central, and western Africa; and an undescribed taxon from north-east Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Analyses of craniodental measurements and landmark-based data showed significant cranial size and shape divergence between the three taxa. Cranial size and shape variation within Afro-Arabian Otomops were strongly influenced by altitude, seasonality of precipitation, and precipitation in the driest month. Based on morphometric patterns and molecular divergence estimates, we suggest that morphological evolution within Afro-Arabian Otomops occurred in response to the fluctuating climate during the Pleistocene on the one hand, and the increasing aridity and seasonality over north-eastern Africa on the other
机译:旧世界蝙蝠属Otomops(鳞翅目:Molossidae)的分类学一直是争论的话题。经典形态学研究未能提供有关番茄昆虫内部种间关系的一致模式的失败,限制了对该属进化史的任何理解。我们使用传统的几何形态学方法来建立来自撒哈拉以南非洲,阿拉伯半岛和马达加斯加的分类单元的物种限制。形态计量学数据支持了最近对三种不同的非洲类群的认识:来自马达加斯加的马达加斯加Otomops madagascariensis; Otomops martiensseni s.s.来自南部,东部,中部和西部非洲;以及东北非洲和阿拉伯半岛的一个未描述的分类单元。颅齿测量和基于地标的数据分析显示,这三个类群之间存在明显的颅骨大小和形状差异。非裔阿拉伯人番茄足癣的颅骨大小和形状变化受到海拔高度,降水季节和最干燥月份降水的强烈影响。基于形态计量模式和分子发散估计,我们认为,一方面是由于更新世期间气候的变化,另一方面是非洲东北部干旱和季节性的增加,从而使非洲-阿拉伯番茄的形态发生了变化。



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