首页> 外文期刊>Molecules and cells >Regional Differences in Enhanced Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus of Adult Rats after Transient Forebrain Ischemia

Regional Differences in Enhanced Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus of Adult Rats after Transient Forebrain Ischemia


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Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus occurs throughout life. We observed regional differences in neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of adult rats following transient forebrain ischemia. Nine days after ischemic-reper-fusion or sham manipulation, rats were given 5-bronio-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate (BrdU), a marker for dividing cells. They were killed 1 or 28 days later to distinguish between cell proliferation and survival. Neurogenesis was evaluated by BrdU incorporation as well by identifying neuronal and glial markers in six regions of the dentate gyrus: rostral, middle and caudal along the rostrocaudal axis, each further divided into supra pyramidal and infrapyra-midal blade subregions. In control rats BrdU-positive cells in the rostral subregions were significantly lower in the supra pyramidal than in the infrapyramidal blades at both 1 and 28 days after BrdU injection. One day after injection, BrdU-positive cells had increased more in five of the subregions in the ischemic rats than in the controls, the exception being the supra pyramidal blade of the rostral subregion. At 28 days after BrdU injection, numbers of BrdU-positive cells were higher in four subregions in the ischemic group, the exceptions being the rostral supra pyramidal and middle infrapyramidal blades. At 28 days after BrdU injection, the percentages of BrdU positive cells that expressed a neuronal marker (NeuN) were the same in the dentate granule cell layers of ischemic and control rats. Our data thus demonstrate regional differences in enhanced neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of adult rats after transient forebrain ischemia.
机译:齿状回的神经发生终生发生。我们观察到成年大鼠的齿状回短暂性前脑缺血后神经再生中的区域差异。缺血再灌注或假手术处理后第9天,给大鼠服用5-bronio-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate(BrdU)(一种分裂细胞的标志物)。 1或28天后将其杀死,以区分细胞增殖和存活。通过BrdU的掺入以及在齿状回的六个区域中识别神经元和神经胶质标志物来评估神经元的形成:沿锥体尾轴的鼻尖,中间和尾尖,每个区域进一步分为上锥体和py下-中部刀片子区域。在对照大鼠中,在注射BrdU后1天和28天时,锥体锥体上亚区域的眼球次区域中的BrdU阳性细胞明显低于锥体下刀片。注射后一天,缺血大鼠的五个子区域中BrdU阳性细胞的增加比对照组中的多,但有眉毛的子区域的上锥体叶除外。在注射BrdU后的28天,缺血组中四个子区域的BrdU阳性细胞数量均较高,但鼻尖上锥体和中锥体下锥体刀片除外。注射BrdU后28天,缺血和对照组大鼠的齿状颗粒细胞层中表达神经元标记(NeuN)的BrdU阳性细胞百分比相同。因此,我们的数据证明了短暂性前脑缺血后成年大鼠齿状回中增强的神经发生区域差异。



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