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Evolutionary trade-off between naturally- and sexually-selected melanin-based colour traits in worldwide barn owls and allies


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Natural selection typically constrains the evolution of sexually-selected characters. The evolution of naturally- and sexually-selected traits can be intertwined if they share part of their genetic machinery or if sex traits impair foraging success or increase the risk of depredation. The present study investigated phenotypic correlations between naturally- and sexually-selected plumage traits in the Tytonidae (barn owls, grass owls, and masked owls). Phenotypic correlations indicate the extent to which selection on one trait will indirectly influence the evolution of another trait. In this group of birds, the ventral body side varies from white to dark reddish, a naturally- selected pheomelanin-based colour trait with important roles in predator-prey interactions. Owls also exhibit eumelanin-based black spots, for which number and size signal different aspects of individual quality and are used in mate choice. These three plumage traits are strongly heritable and sexually dimorphic, with females being on average darker reddish and more spotted than males. Phenotypic correlations were measured between these three plumage traits in 3958 free-living barn owls in Switzerland and 10 670 skin specimens from 34 Tyto taxa preserved in museums. Across Tyto taxa, the sexually-selected plumage spottiness was positively correlated with the naturally- selected reddish coloration, with redder birds being more heavily spotted. This suggests that they are genetically constrained or that natural and sexual selection are not antagonistically exerted on plumage traits. In a large sample of Swiss nestlings and within 34 Tyto taxa, the three plumage traits were positively correlated. The production of melanin pigments for one plumage trait is therefore not traded off against the production of melanin pigments for another plumage trait. Only in the most heavily-spotted Tyto taxa do larger-spotted individuals display fewer spots. This indicates that, at some threshold value, the evolution of many spots constrains the evolution of large spots. These analyses raise the possibility that different combinations of melanin-based plumage traits may not be selectively equivalent. (c) 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 119, 455-476.
机译:自然选择通常会限制性选择角色的进化。如果自然选择和性选择的性状共享部分遗传机制,或者如果性状损害觅食的成功或增加被掠夺的风险,则它们的进化可以相互交织。本研究调查了Tytonidae(谷仓猫头鹰,草猫头鹰和蒙面猫头鹰)的自然选择和性选择的羽毛特征之间的表型相关性。表型相关性表明对一个性状的选择将间接影响另一种性状的进化的程度。在这组鸟类中,腹侧从白色到暗红色不等,这是一种自然选择的基于苯丙氨酸的颜色特征,在捕食者与猎物的相互作用中具有重要作用。猫头鹰还表现出基于木兰的黑斑,其数目和大小代表个体素质的不同方面,并被用于选择配偶。这三个全身羽毛特征具有很强的遗传性和两性性,女性平均比男性略带红色,斑点更明显。表型相关性是在瑞士3958年的自由活动仓鼠与三种保存在博物馆的34种Tyto类群的10670个皮肤标本之间测量的。在整个泰托生物分类群中,按性别选择的羽毛斑点与自然选择的带红色呈正相关,其中较红的鸟被斑点较多。这表明它们在遗传上受到限制,或者对羽毛的性状没有自然和性别的选择。在一大批瑞士雏鸟和34个Tyto分类群中,三个羽毛特征呈正相关。因此,不能以一种羽毛特性的黑色素颜料的生产与另一种羽毛特性的黑色素颜料的生产为代价。仅在发现最多的Tyto分类中,发现较大的个体显示较少的斑点。这表明,在某个阈值下,许多斑点的演化会限制大斑点的演化。这些分析增加了基于黑色素的羽毛性状的不同组合可能不是选择性等同的可能性。 (c)2016年伦敦林奈学会,《林奈学会生物学杂志》,2016年,第119页,第455-476页。



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