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Trade-offs between eating and moving: what happens to the locomotion of slender arboreal snakes when they eat big prey?


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The capacity to consume large prey evolved long ago in snakes. Subsequently, many specialized arboreal snake species convergently evolved slender bodies, presumably well-suited for moving on thin branches and steep slopes, although how this accentuates changes in their shape and weight after eating and creates trade-offs with locomotor performance is poorly understood. Hence, we tested whether the performance and modes of locomotion of a specialized arboreal snake (Boiga irregularis) changed after eating one or two mice when crawling on cylinders with and without pegs and on horizontal or 45 degrees slopes. On surfaces with pegs: (1) only lateral undulation was used; (2) speed decreased with increased meal size; and (3) unexpectedly, more sideways toppling occurred than without pegs. On the horizontal cylinders without pegs, most unfed snakes used lateral undulation with continuous sliding contact, whereas, after eating two mice, most snakes periodically stopped and gripped the cylinder with speeds of concertina locomotion similar to those for the lateral undulation of unfed snakes. Thus, the behaviour of switching to a gripping mode of locomotion (concertina) circumvented some of the constraints of a slender limbless body plan, for which bulky meals alter shape and can impede the movement of the propulsive structures.(c) 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114, 446-458.
机译:消耗大型猎物的能力是在很久以前就发展起来的。随后,许多专门的树栖蛇类会聚成细长体,大概很适合在细树枝和陡峭的山坡上移动,尽管人们对其进食后形状和体重的变化如何加重以及如何与运动性能进行权衡取舍尚不甚了解。因此,我们测试了在有或没有钉子的圆柱体上以及在水平或45度坡度上爬行时,吃一只或两只老鼠后,一条特殊的树栖蛇(不规则Boiga蛇)的性能和运动方式是否发生了变化。在带有钉子的表面上:(1)仅使用横向起伏; (2)速度随着进餐量的增加而降低; (3)出乎意料的是,与没有钉子相比,发生了更多的侧倾。在没有钉子的卧式圆柱体上,大多数未进食的蛇使用连续波动的侧向起伏,而在吃掉两只老鼠之后,大多数蛇会周期性地停下来并以类似于手风琴的侧向起伏的手风琴运动速度抓紧圆柱体。因此,切换为抓紧运动模式(音乐会)的行为规避了细长的无肢身体计划的某些限制,因为这些计划会导致大餐改变形状并阻碍推进结构的运动。(c)2014年林奈学会伦敦,Linnean学会生物学杂志,2015,114,446-458。



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