首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Research >Elastic rebound between an indenter and a layered specimen: Part II. Using contact stiffness to help ensure reliability of nanoindentation measurements

Elastic rebound between an indenter and a layered specimen: Part II. Using contact stiffness to help ensure reliability of nanoindentation measurements


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Measurement of nanoindentation hardness and modulus relies on the determination of the projected area of the indent, A, usually done by one of two methods: (1) indirectly, based on depth of indentation and calibrated indenter shape; or (2) directly, using a microscope image. In this article we introduce a new analysis to improve the reliability and precision of nanoindentation data. The analysis examines the specimen properties from perspective of the parameter (L0C)-C-1/2 = H-1/2/E-eff + CmL0 where C is the measured unloading compliance, C-m is the machine compliance, L-0 is the load, H is the hardness, and E-eff is the specimen-indenter contact modulus, which is a function of the size of the indent, and which can be calculated based on a theoretical model. We apply this analysis to the characterization of 1-2 mu m thick molybdenum films deposited on silicon. References: 13
机译:纳米压痕硬度和模量的测量依赖于压痕投影面积 A 的确定,通常通过以下两种方法之一进行:(1) 间接测量,基于压痕深度和校准的压头形状;或 (2) 直接使用显微镜图像。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新的分析方法,以提高纳米压痕数据的可靠性和精度。该分析从参数 (L0C)-C-1/2 = H-1/2/E-eff + CmL0 的角度检查试样特性,其中 C 是测量的卸料顺应性,C-m 是机器柔顺度,L-0 是载荷,H 是硬度,E-eff 是试样-压头接触模量,它是压痕大小的函数,可以根据理论模型计算。我们将这种分析应用于沉积在硅上的1-2μm厚的钼膜的表征。[参考资料: 13]



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