首页> 外文期刊>Neotropical Entomology >Long-Term Male Aggregations of Euglossa melanotricha Moure (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Fern FrondsSerpocaulon triseriale (Pteridophyta: Polypodiaceae)

Long-Term Male Aggregations of Euglossa melanotricha Moure (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Fern FrondsSerpocaulon triseriale (Pteridophyta: Polypodiaceae)

机译:蕨叶上的Euglossa melanotricha Moure(膜翅目:Apidae)的长期雄性聚集体Sterpocaulon triseriale(蕨类植物:Polypodiaceae)

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A communal dormitory of male orchid bees, Euglossa melanotricha Moure, was monitored over a one-year period, when they passed the night in the fronds of a Serpocaulon triseriale (Polypodiaceae) fern. The bees used the same fronds continuously, movingto neighboring fronds as senescence set in. As many as 49 males were observed together on any one night, clinging to the midribs on the abaxial surface of up to five fern blades with their mandibles. A number of males returned to the same site to pass the night continuously over a number of months, and were observed making physical contact with one another without provoking agonistic behavior. Males of E. melanotricha appeared to prefer sleeping at sites close to nests and potential sources of odoriferous essences, such as orchids (Orchidaceae).
机译:在一年的时间里,当他们在Serpocaulon triseriale(Polypodiaceae)蕨类的叶子中经过一夜时,对雄性兰花蜂Euglossa melanotricha Moure的公共宿舍进行了监测。蜜蜂连续使用相同的叶片,并随着衰老而移至邻近的叶片。在任何一个夜晚,观察到多达49只雄性,紧贴着多达五个蕨类叶片的下表面的中脉及其下颚。许多男性返回同一个地点,经过数月的时间连续熬夜,并观察到彼此进行身体接触而不会引起激动行为。 E. melanotricha的雄性似乎更喜欢睡在靠近巢穴和有气味的香精的潜在来源的地方,例如兰花(兰科)。



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