首页> 外文期刊>Neotropical Entomology >Economic damage caused by spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) in Colombia: a first approximation of impact on animal production in Brachiaria decumbens pastures

Economic damage caused by spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) in Colombia: a first approximation of impact on animal production in Brachiaria decumbens pastures

机译:哥伦比亚的瓢虫(直翅目:Cercopidae)造成的经济损失:对角叉菜(Bracharia decumbens)牧场对动物生产的影响的初步估算

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Using a simulation model as an analysis tool, the economic impact of spittlebugs in pastures of Colombia was quantified in terms of animal production. Three levels of abundance (10, 25, 50 adults/m~2) and farm area affected (25, 50, 100 percent) were evaluated using data obtained in Brazil for Notozulia entreriana (Berg) on Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. The model considered dual-purpose production systems in two contrasting ecosystems: (1) the dry tropics, characterized by a well defined, 6-month rainy season and (2) the humid tropics, characterized by uniform rainfall distribution throughout the year. Compared to healthy pastures, stocking rate, milk and meat productivity decreased 1-8, 8-34 and 38-54 percent, respectively, at low, intermediate andhigh abundance levels, depending on farm area infested. The cost of producing milk and meat increased 0-4,3-16 and 18-30 percent at the same infestation levels, causing net income to decrease 3-16, 17-69 and 67-100 percent. At the regional level, economic damage in the 1,140,000 ha sown to grasses susceptible to spittlebugs in the humid tropics of Colombia ranged from US7-25, 28-36 and 39-47 million dollar/yr. In the 4,720,000 ha of susceptible grasses in the dry tropics, economic damage was US33-118,132-175 and 228-273 million dollar/yr. The investment required to develop grass varieties resistant to spittlebugs and adapted to soils with low to intermediate fertility (US6 million dollar over 12 yr) is low compared with the economic damage caused byspittlebugs in Colombia, and therefore presents a major economic incentive for support of research on varietal improvement and spittlebug management.
机译:使用模拟模型作为分析工具,从动物生产方面量化了瓢虫在哥伦比亚牧场的经济影响。使用在巴西获得的关于锈病菌的Notozulia entreriana(Berg)的数据,评估了三个水平的丰度(10、25、50个成年人/ m〜2)和受影响的农场面积(25、50、100%)。该模型在两个截然不同的生态系统中考虑了两用生产系统:(1)热带热带地区,特征是明确定义的六个月雨季;(2)潮湿热带地区,其特征是全年降雨均匀。与健康牧场相比,在低,中和高丰度水平下,放牧率,牛奶和肉类生产率分别下降了1-8%,8-34和38-54%,具体取决于受侵害的农场面积。在相同的侵扰水平下,牛奶和肉类的生产成本增加了0-4,3-16和18-30%,导致净收入减少了3-16%,17-69和67-100%。在区域一级,哥伦比亚湿热带地区对易受瓢虫侵害的草播种造成的1,140,​​000公顷的经济损失为每年7-25美元,28-36美元和39-47百万美元。在干旱的热带地区4,720,000公顷易感草中,经济损失为US33-118,132-175和228-273百万美元/年。与哥伦比亚的臭虫造成的经济损失相比,开发抗臭虫和适应低至中等肥力土壤(12年内600万美元)的草种所需的投资较少,因此,这是对研究提供支持的主要经济动力品种改良和臭虫管理。



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