首页> 外文期刊>Mysore journal of agricultural sciences >Chemical control of downy mildew of maize caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi (Weston and Uppal) Shaw and its impact on growth parameters and yield of maize (Zea mays L.)

Chemical control of downy mildew of maize caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi (Weston and Uppal) Shaw and its impact on growth parameters and yield of maize (Zea mays L.)

机译:高粱Peronosclerosporapora(Weston and Uppal)Shaw引起的玉米霜霉病的化学防治及其对玉米生长参数和产量的影响

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Downy mildews in general and maize downy mildew caused by Peronosclerosporasorghi (Weston and Uppal) Shaw in particular has attained destructive status in parts of Karnataka and could cause severe yield losses if left unattended to. Infection at theseedling stage normally leads to death of seedlings within 3-4 weeks. Hence, a field experiment on the effect of downy mildew on yield and yield components and growth parameters of maize was conducted during kharif and rabi seasons of 1998 at the Regional Research Station, UAS, V. C. Farm, Mandya, Karnataka. Results revealed that, the seed treatment with Ridomil MZ (72 WP) at 3 g / kg of seed alone suppressed the disease to a very great extent where the incidence was only 1.6 per cent. Seed treatment followed by a spray at 10 days after sowing resulted in 100 per cent disease control. There was a substantial increase in yield due to seed treatment with one spray at ten days after sowing which resulted in 2707.66 kg / ha as against 1260.50 kg/ha in untreated check. Similarly, more fodder was recorded in this treatment (3670.23 kg / ha) than in untreated check (1300.68 kg / ha). There was a great adverse effect on growth and growth parameters of maize plots which received either no or partial seed treatment. The plant height was maximum where seed treatment was followed by one spray at 10 days interval after sowing. A mere seed treatment resulted in a plant height of 142.00 cm as against 115.73 cm in check. The intemodal length varied from 10.16 to 12.76 cm in various treatments compared to 9.58 cm in check plots.
机译:一般而言,霜霉病和由Peronosclerosporasorghi(Weston和Uppal)Shaw造成的玉米霜霉病在卡纳塔克邦的部分地区具有破坏性,如果不加注意,可能造成严重的产量损失。在苗期感染通常会导致苗在3-4周内死亡。因此,在1998年的卡里夫和狂犬病季节,在卡纳塔克邦的曼德亚市V. C. Farm的区域研究站进行了霜霉病对玉米产量和产量构成及生长参数影响的田间试验。结果显示,仅使用3 g / kg种子的Ridomil MZ(72 WP)进行的种子处理在很大程度上抑制了该病,发病率仅为1.6%。种子处理后再播种10天后喷洒,可100%控制病害。播种后十天用一剂喷雾处理种子,使产量显着提高,结果为2707.66千克/公顷,而未经处理的支票为1260.50千克/公顷。同样,与未处理的支票(1300.68 kg / ha)相比,该处理中记录的饲料(3670.23 kg / ha)多。不接受或不接受部分种子处理的玉米地块的生长和生长参数受到极大的不利影响。播种后10天间隔进行一次喷雾处理,种子高度最高。单纯的种子处理导致植物高度为142.00厘米,而对照为115.73厘米。在各种处理中,全峰长度从10.16厘米到12.76厘米不等,而对照样地为9.58厘米。



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