首页> 外文期刊>Neural Networks: The Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society >Iterative fast orthogonal search algorithm for MDL-based training of generalized single-layer networks.

Iterative fast orthogonal search algorithm for MDL-based training of generalized single-layer networks.


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The generalized single-layer network (GSLN) architecture, which implements a sum of arbitrary basis functions defined on its inputs, is potentially a flexible and efficient structure for approximating arbitrary nonlinear functions. A drawback of GSLNs is that a large number of weights and basis functions may be required to provide satisfactory approximations. In this paper, we present a new approach in which an algorithm known as iterative fast orthogonal search (IFOS) is coupled with the minimum description length (MDL) criterion to provide automatic structure selection and parameter estimation for GSLNs. The resulting algorithm, dubbed IFOS-MDL, performs both network growth and pruning to construct sparse GSLNs from potentially large spaces of candidate basis functions.
机译:通用单层网络(GSLN)体系结构实现了在其输入上定义的任意基函数的总和,这可能是一种灵活高效的结构,用于近似任意非线性函数。 GSLN的缺点在于,可能需要大量的权重和基函数才能提供令人满意的近似值。在本文中,我们提出了一种新方法,其中将称为迭代快速正交搜索(IFOS)的算法与最小描述长度(MDL)准则相结合,以为GSLN提供自动结构选择和参数估计。最终的算法被称为IFOS-MDL,既执行网络增长又进行修剪,以从潜在的较大候选基函数空间构建稀疏的GSLN。



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