
Cross-validation in fuzzy ARTMAP for large databases.


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In this paper we are examining the issue of overtraining in Fuzzy ARTMAP. Over-training in Fuzzy ARTMAP manifests itself in two different ways: (a) it degrades the generalization performance of Fuzzy ARTMAP as training progresses; and (b) it creates unnecessarily large Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network architectures. In this work, we are demonstrating that overtraining happens in Fuzzy ARTMAP and we propose an old remedy for its cure: cross-validation. In our experiments, we compare the performance of Fuzzy ARTMAP that is trained (i) until the completion of training, (ii) for one epoch, and (iii) until its performance on a validation set is maximized. The experiments were performed on artificial and real databases. The conclusion derived from those experiments is that cross-validation is a useful procedure in Fuzzy ARTMAP, because it produces smaller Fuzzy ARTMAP architectures with improved generalization performance. The trade-off is that cross-validation introduces additional computational complexity in the training phase of Fuzzy ARTMAP.
机译:在本文中,我们正在研究模糊ARTMAP中的过度训练问题。 Fuzzy ARTMAP的过度训练以两种不同的方式表现出来:(a)随着训练的进行,它会降低Fuzzy ARTMAP的泛化性能; (b)创建不必要的大型Fuzzy ARTMAP神经网络架构。在这项工作中,我们证明了模糊ARTMAP中会发生过度训练,并且我们提出了一种古老的补救方法:交叉验证。在我们的实验中,我们比较训练的模糊ARTMAP的性能(i)直到训练完成,(ii)一个时期,以及(iii)直到在验证集上的性能最大化。实验是在人工和真实数据库上进行的。从这些实验得出的结论是,交叉验证在Fuzzy ARTMAP中是一个有用的过程,因为它可以生成较小的Fuzzy ARTMAP体系结构,并具有更高的泛化性能。权衡的是,交叉验证会在Fuzzy ARTMAP的训练阶段引入额外的计算复杂性。



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