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The Skibotn area in North Norway - an example of very high lichen species richness far to the north


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During the 4-day excursion of the Nordic Lichen Society (NLF) in 2003, 653 lichen species were recorded from the Skibotn area in eastern Troms County, central North Norway, bringing the total of known lichen species from the area to 709. Of the 291 species considered rare, 250 were found during the excursion. Of the 115 species reported as new to Troms County, 29 are also new to North Norway and eight new to Norway. Two species, Caloplaca spitsbergensis and Stereocaulon groenlandicum, are new to Fennoscandia. The number of lichenicolous species increases to 803 for the region when 94 previously known species are added. We believe that only Sweden's Tornetrask region surpasses this diversity. The high species number—remarkable for such northern latitudes (68-69 deg N)—challenges the general concept that species richness decreases as latitude increases. A fully annotated checklist of the Skibotn species is now posted on http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/weblists.html
机译:在2003年的北欧地衣学会(NLF)历时4天的考察中,挪威北部中部特罗姆斯县Skibotn地区记录了653个地衣物种,使该地区已知的地衣物种总数达到709种。游览期间发现了291种稀有物种,发现了250种。在Troms县报告的115种新物种中,北挪威有29种,挪威也有8种。 Fennoscandia有两个新种,即Caloplaca spitsbergensis和Stereocaulon groenlandicum。当添加94种先前已知的物种时,该地区地衣物种的数量增加到803。我们认为,只有瑞典的Tornetrask地区超过了这种多样性。高物种数-在这种北纬度(北纬68-69度)中非常显着-挑战了物种丰富度随纬度增加而降低的一般概念。现在,在http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/weblists.html上发布了Skibotn物种的完整注释清单。



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