首页> 外文期刊>Biological invasions >Invader-invader interactions in relation to environmental heterogeneity leads to zonation of two invasive amphipods, Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky) and Gammarus tigrinus Sexton: amphipod pilot species project (AMPIS) report 6

Invader-invader interactions in relation to environmental heterogeneity leads to zonation of two invasive amphipods, Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky) and Gammarus tigrinus Sexton: amphipod pilot species project (AMPIS) report 6

机译:与环境异质性相关的入侵者与入侵者之间的相互作用导致两种侵入性两栖纲动物区分开,即Dikerogammarus villosus(Sowinsky)和Gammarus tigrinus Sexton:两栖纲试点物种项目(AMPIS)报告6

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As biological invasions continue, interactions occur not only between invaders and natives, but increasingly new invaders come into contact with previous invaders. Whilst this can lead to species replacements, co-existence may occur, but we lack knowledge of processes driving such patterns. Since environmental heterogeneity can determine species richness and co-existence, the present study examines habitat use and its mediation of the predatory interaction between invasive aquatic amphipods, the Ponto-Caspian Dikerogammarus villosus and the N. American Gammarus tigrinus. In the Dutch Lake IJsselmeer, we found broad segregation of D. villosus and G. tigrinus by habitat type, the former predominating in the boulder zone and the latter in the soft sediment. However, the two species co-exist in the boulder zone, both on the short and longer terms. We used an experimental simulation of habitat heterogeneity and show that both species utilize crevices, different sized holes in a plastic grid, non-randomly. These amphipods appear to optimise the use of holes with respect to their 'C-shape' body size. When placed together, D. villosus adults preyed on G. tigrinus adults and juveniles, while G. tigrinus adults preyed on D. villosus juveniles. Juveniles were also predators and both species were cannibalistic. However, the impact on G. tigrinus of the superior intraguild predator, D. villosus, was significantly reduced where experimental grids were present as compared to absent. This mitigation of intraguild predation between the two species in complex habitats may explain the co-existence of these two invasive species.
机译:随着生物入侵的继续,不仅入侵者与当地人之间发生相互作用,而且越来越多的新入侵者与先前的入侵者接触。尽管这可能导致物种替换,但可能会共存,但我们缺乏驱动这种模式的过程的知识。由于环境的异质性可以决定物种的丰富度和共存性,因此本研究研究了栖息地的利用及其对入侵性水生两栖动物,蓬-里海双足类动物和北美洲虎类动物之间掠食性相互作用的调节作用。在荷兰艾瑟尔湖(IJsselmeer)中,我们发现了按栖息地类型划分的D. villosus和G. tigrinus广泛隔离,前者在巨石区占主导地位,而后者在软沉积物中占优势。但是,无论是短期还是长期,这两种物种都同时存在于巨石地区。我们使用了栖息地异质性的实验模拟,结果表明这两个物种均非随机地利用缝隙,塑料网格中不同大小的孔。这些两栖类动物似乎在“ C形”体型方面优化了孔的使用。当放在一起时,D。villosus的成年猛禽以G. tigrinus成年和少年为食,而G. tigrinus的成年猛禽则以D. villosus成年食。少年也是掠食者,两个物种都是食人动物。但是,与没有实验网格的地方相比,上公会内捕食者D. villosus对tigrinus的影响显着降低。缓解两个物种在复杂栖息地中的行内捕食行为,可以解释这两个入侵物种的共存。



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