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Ernest Henry Starling (1866-1927)on the Glomerular and Tubular Functions of the Kidney

机译:欧内斯特·亨利·斯塔林(Ernest Henry Starling,1866-1927)关于肾脏的肾小球和肾小管功能

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Around the turn of the 20th century, Ernest Henry Starling (1866-1927) made many fundamental contributions to the understanding of human physiology. With a deep interest in how fluid balance is regulated, he naturally turned to explore the intricacies of kidney function. Early in his career he focused upon the process of glomerular filtration and was able to substantiate the view of Carl Ludwig that this process can be explained entirely upon the basis of hydrostatic and oncotic pressure gradients across the glomerular capillary wall and that the process can be regulated by alterations in the tone of the afferent and efferent arterioles. To explore renal tubular function he employed a heart-lung-kidney model in the dog and was able to infer that certain substances are reabsorbed by the tubules (e.g. sodium chloride) and certain by tubular secretion (e.g. uric acid, indigo carmine dye). By temporarily blocking tubular function using hydro-cyanic acid he was able to conclude that secreted substances must be taken up on the peritubular side of the cell and concentrated within the cell to drive the secretory process. Finally, he was able to appreciate that the kidney is an organ which is regulated according to the needs of the organism and thatthe processes of glomerularfiltration, tubular secretion and reabsorption are all subject to regulatory influences, which have evolved to conserve the normal chemical composition of the cells and fluids of the body.
机译:大约在20世纪初,欧内斯特·亨利·史达琳(Ernest Henry Starling,1866-1927)对理解人类生理学做出了许多根本性贡献。对如何调节体液平衡深感兴趣,他自然而然地探索了肾脏功能的复杂性。在他职业生涯的早期,他专注于肾小球滤过过程,并证实了卡尔·路德维格(Carl Ludwig)的观点,即该过程可以完全基于横跨肾小球毛细血管壁的静水压力和渗透压梯度来解释,并且可以调节该过程。通过改变出入小动脉的音调。为了探索肾小管功能,他在狗中采用了心肺肾模型,并且能够推断某些物质被小管(例如氯化钠)重吸收,并且某些物质被肾小管的分泌物(例如尿酸,靛蓝胭脂红染料)重吸收。通过使用氢氰酸暂时阻断肾小管功能,他能够得出结论,分泌的物质必须在细胞的肾小管侧吸收并在细胞内浓缩以驱动分泌过程。最后,他能够体会到肾脏是根据生物体的需要进行调节的器官,肾小球滤过,肾小管分泌和再吸收的过程都受到调节的影响,这些作用已经演变为保存正常的化学成分。人体的细胞和体液。



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